Fenix LD2 RB100 Turbo Mode!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 3, 2007
I have been wanting to order a couple of these fenix rb100 flashlights as gifts,
but I am concerned about the turbo mode. specifically run times on turbo

I want to buy these units as gifts, and was orignally planning on buying the fenix L2d CE flashlight line,
but these rb100's sound promising except for the fact that the turbo lasts 10mins from the manufacturer's specs due to heat conerns/battery concerns,

compared to the Fenix L2d CE which is stated to last about 2.4 hours in its specs,
or according to actual CPF members about 1+hours actual run time with lithium, and about 40-50 mins with alkalines.

I am concerned about the fenix l2d rb100, because 10 mins turbo seems wayyyyy to little for a reasonable turbo time,
but I'm hoping this is a understatement as some cpf members state the turbo doesn't even get hot and can run for a while.
But they don't elaborate in how many minutes, more than the specified 10 mins or ...

how would I expalin to the reciepents of my gifts, yea, turbo mode lasts only 10minutes, just cuz it gets hot,
they'll prolly laugh and use a older flashlight. Maybe even a older non-led flashlight

The l2d-CE seems promising as 2 hours of turbo, let alone close to one hour of turbo is plenty enough for many.
But its usually a wiser decision to buy newer items, and the reviews on the rb100's tint sounds promising.

This is a concern for me, because if I give these rb100 flashlights as a gift, 10mins will be to little,
compared to the L2D CE which can last more than 2.4hours-1 hours.

The information posted about the rb100 is interesting since ppl on the forum report that the rb100 leds actually runs cooler
than the CE led's in the fenix line of flashlights.

1) is this cooler run time for the regular modes?
or does it include the turbo mode?

2) because if it does run cooler, shouldn't the turbo mode last longer? or at least longer than 10 mins?

3***) so the most important question is : how long does Turbo last with the FENIX RB100 Flashlights? minutes, hours.

I would like reasonable SAFE runtimes, as these will be given as gifts, and the recipients may know little about how to cool/mod/fix/whatever the flashlight.

This is the L2D model, not the P2D model, so I'm hoping battery issues won't be a concern, unlese otherwise specifized. is mismatching AA batteries a issue? I hope not

4) Anyone know any actual run times of the other modes, like low-medium-high? I think I saw a chart of comparison with the Q5 models,
but sometimes real world testing differs from manufacturers charts.

That would be useful information too (for example, do the rb100 run longer than the CE flash lights,
or do they run less because the extra light emitted may use more batteries), but please first answer my question about turbo mode run times.

Please don't state the manufacturer's spec reading of 10mins, as anyone can read the specs, I am wondering about real world performance.

real world performance as in, just holding the flashlight. No fans blowing on it, or using it at high velocity (like on a bike or a car)
because you may not have a fan or have active cooling at all times, except for your hand which may act as a heatsink.

I'm asking because it seems this topic is not even discussed~ I have scoured the forums and have found no concerte answers,
I have found some posters that did mention they were going to put reviews, but those reviews don't really discuss the turbo mode.
It sounds good that these new rb100's run cooler compared to the CE's which should be a great reason to get these new units.
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I think the runtimes of the Fenix Cree series and Rebel 100 series should be similar. They use the same circuit. The only difference is that the Rebel 100 version should be brighter.

Flashlightreview's review of the L1/2D-CE has runtime graphs.

The runtime of the L2D-CE light, the Rebel 100 version should have the same or even more runtime due to the lower Vf of the LED.
Low mode lasts 59 hours on Alkalines, 59 hours on NiMh, and 86 hours on Lithums.
Medium lasts 7 hours on Alkalines, 12 hours on NiMh, and 16 hours on Lithums.
High lasts 1.5 hour on Alkalines, 4.5 hours on NiMh, and 6 hours on Lithums.
Turbo lasts 40 minutes on Alkalines, 1.5 hours on NiMh, and 2 hours on Lithums.

Heat should be even less of a problem with the Rebel 100 lights since the Rebel 100 are more efficient then the Cree P4 LEDs (so same energy = more light).

I think the warning only applies if one places the light in a small enclosed and heat proof place. If you have it in you hands, your hand will act as a heatsink and the light should not get hot.

Heat from the LED should not affect the runtime of a light.

Welcome to CPF!
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The cool thing is that the HIGH mode is hardly any less bright than the turbo mode, yet lasts significantly longer. I measured the current draw, and high uses less than half the current of the turbo mode.

Nice as it is to a CPF-member the L2D may not be the ideal light to give as a gift. Have you considered the Fenix L2P v2.0 as a nice gift light? Good regulation with alkalines and with +/- 45 lumens bright enough for any task, in or around the house.

I often wondered what light to give as a gift myself, and I seriously think that a simple, but good quality, light is better. Something like the L2P V2.0 or an Inova Bolt 2AA, also at around 45 lumens.
Maybe the Inova has a slight edge with it's more robust feeling tailswitch.

Kind regards,

I can't tell you anything about the L2D Rebel, so I hope you don't mind me giving you my opinion: The L2D-CE will probably be SO MUCH BETTER THAN ANYTHING your friends have I think it would be a great gift. I realize that you want to give them the very best you can, which is very commendable of you.

If you can't find out for sure if the Rebel has reasonable runtimes in Turbo mode, get them the L2D-CE and don't worry about it - it is a GREAT light, especially for a non-flashlight nut. Bright, long runtimes, common AA batteries.
I have a L2D RB100 myself and I like it...but...
Checked out the light and changed the body with my L1D CE so it runs on one NiMH AA cell as a bicycle helmet light. The warning about not running for longer than 10 minutes in Turbo mode probably has to do with the Rebel LED and it's ability to shed heat quickly. The die is very small and Luxeon does not make it to be the high powered LED, it is made to be very small. The high powered LED will be their upcoming K2 that has the same tech as the Rebel but can dump heat better and handle 1.5 amps. My "L1D RB100" does not push the LED very hard (about 390mA in turbo mode) so it has no problems with heat etc.
Would I give away the L2D CE RB100 as a gift? No! This is why. You can explain until you are blue in the face about running it on NiMH AA cells and you might give them the cells/charger with the light. Then explain how the multiple levels work and press on. Come back a month later and the L2D RB100 will be loaded with alkalines and they won't be thrilled with the runtime on turbo mode.
If I was going to give one of those lights away as a gift, a simple mod to the light will make everyone happy. First, remove the instructions from the box and send them a note how to use the flashlight.
Next step, get a plastic washer and cut it to fit the gap between the barrel and the head. Put the washer between the head and barrel as this eliminates their ability to put the light in turbo mode. It will now be low-medium-high-SOS by tapping the tail switch. Since the washer prevents the head twist from allowing the light to go to turbo mode.
Now they have the modes that work best with alkalines and they should love the light. Also, put a thin o-ring in the head next to the contact on the board. If they load the batteries in backwards, this will prevent the electronics from getting nuked since the negative battery contact can't touch the board contact.
Eliminating turbo mode and the oring trick will prevent them from destroying the light or burning up alkaline batteries quickly. Another bonus is the light always will come on in low mode which generally is good enough for general use. Playing around in high mode requires a couple taps of the tail so they should get great runtime by using low more often.
This is what the Fenix owner's manual says:

"Turbo mode should be used sparingly. Due to it's high power consumption, an excessive amount of heat may build up. Under high ambient temperatures, please do not use the Turbo mode for more than 10 minutes continuously, doing so may harm the battery and the flashlight."

10 minutes at high ambient temperatures is a suggested worse case situation.

Let's not get hysterical over technical issues that aren't well documented. Just use common sense.

If it's too hot to hold, downshift.
Ha... I agree with BentHeadTX honestly. I don't know about the technical side of his solution and if it work, but I do agree with people who aren't into having the brightest flashlight on Earth won't give a rats @$$ about Turbo mode and will probably either ruin the flashlight or be ill-impressed. If you could eliminate Turbo mode, or just tell them right away just not to use it, then they'll ask, "Why not?" Then that will give you the opportunity to stress how important it is that they don't use Turbo...
Zhukov, It's a added sense of comfort that the turbo mode and high mode are similar. and this is probably a good enough reason to even buy the unit. I probably will. I guess, you'll have to use the flash light with a main mode, and just ignore the other turbo/strobe mode. I guess high isn't bad, and a low is a just a click away. and a L2T can always be purchased later for more added comfort and multi mode comfort. after all turbo isn't required all the time.

The L2P does sound cool too. So people looking at the l2d should also look at those two lights. thnx 22hornet for the info.

I don't think they will really be that interested in the turbo mode. But if you only have two modes...setting A with 3 subsettings, and setting B with two sub settings. Because if you have the option to, I'm pretty sure they are bound to try both setting A and B.....Its merely a twist of the cap away.

but this is not a mere complaint over a technical issue, this is SAFETY CONCERN. you don't want your flash light going :poof: after you give it to your family members as a gift. and trust me its not like a END-user would even think something is wrong with there flashlight if it were on too long. they might leave it on as a reading lamp. They would probably think thats the way its supposed to be. after all, some people trust the products that make life better for safety...

I just don't want this flashlight accidently getting into the hands of my relatives after they all say, "wow this is a the brightest flashlight I've ever seen" and they leave it on too long, because how many times are they going to read the manual. I mean you probably read it once and you put it away with the box. But in real life situations, you'll probably share your flashlight, its a tool, like a hammer. I don't know too many people that may get greedy with their hammer, and if it is the most ultimate hammer might as well share it so others can see what a great hammer it it is...

but yea some people won't read the manual. so if you stored the flashight with the rest of your tools, and it just so happens your brother or father or son or cousin need it because of a power outage, they of course probably won't read the manual becaue it'll be somewhere else... and a manual for a flashlight...come on...you just gotta turn the thing on :poke:

I like flashlights too, working my way up to being a flash-a-holic, but you have to realize that 99% of flashlight users out there are probably just regular old people that just need a light. and a safety concern is a big issue.

reading the forums about battery issues can be a bit tense for the nerves. and the point of the many battery issues is that it can happen to anyone, and it did happen to many cpfers that thought, "oh battery issues won't effect me." The pictures and posts are proof and are a bit unnerving. People might accidently mix lithiums or rechargables batteries if they have a large collection of a rechargable batteries, which is one reason that steered me far away from the p2d p3d light.

I guess I'll have to tell them hold the unit in your hands (duh...) and don't leave it on too long (duh again....)... and just pray that they listen to me and the instructions....

on second thought now, the l2p and the l2t sound promising... l2d-Ce can also be a great choice.

I just saw the clip of the original L2D CE on youtube, and I was more than just impressed! seeing the video of the unit really wanted me to buy the unit.

I think my relatives will really enjoy these flashlights, since they are only using incandescent, I just hope I don't WOW them too much lol

but for now...the l2d with the washer mod, or the l1d body sounds even better. thnx bentheadtx for the suggestion.
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