Fenix Mods: Seoul


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2006
I want to mod my L2P's with Seoul emitters and two stage switch. What is the
BEST tool to use to open up the head? Is heat needed, I have a 2 stage heat
gun. Is a .030 copper spacer needed under the emitter. EngrPaul, I know you've
done many Fenix lights with great success, maybe your thoughts? :ohgeez:
I used circlip pliers, long-nosed pliers, molewrench, screwdriver and a blowtorch ... the head on my L2P was so well potted that I bent my circlip pliers and rounded the recess in the brass pill and warped the head trying to remove the pill. The ciclip pliers didn't sit properly after that and they slipped causing the circuit board to be damaged. My L2P didn't work after that ... you might have more luck depending on how well potted the head is on your example. Good luck!
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