Fenix Rebel beamshot lineup


Apr 28, 2006
With the P2DR100 I just got from 4Sevens yesterday, my Fenix Rebel collection is now complete. :naughty:

I went out last night and pitted them against each other for comparison of their output on different cells. I didn't bother with lower levels, I just set them all for "turbo" or whatever highest level they had.

The contenders:

P3D - rated at 200 lumens
P2D - rated at 175 lumens
L1D - rated at :shrug: (probably around 100 - 125 lumens)
L0D - rated at 60 lumens

Fenix isn't selling the L1DR100 at this point, so I don't have their lumen rating on it, but the heads from the P2D, L2D and L1D are in reality all the same head. Since the L2D should perform exactly as the P2D does (and I don't have a L2D body :laughing:) I didn't include it.

I went out to the bench in my backyard that I use for this kind of thing, and stood approximately 25 feet from it. (There is also a small table with an ornamental birdhouse which should add some depth):


The P3D is the undisputed king, of course.

What was a little surprising to me (until I thought about it) was how well the P2D seemed to do. I was expecting more of a difference. Then I thought about it and realized that 25 lumens out of 200 is about 12.5%. Noticeable if you're looking for it, but not a huge difference.

The L1D was a little disappointing. I really like single cell AA lights, and can't wait for one that puts out 200 lumens. The simple fact is, the L1DR100 doesn't. For all-around chores it's putting out more than enough light, and easily outshines anything else in it's class. A year ago this would have been a Holy Grail type of light. BUT.. if you really want to blast photons, you gotta get 3+volts going to the emitter - via either 2AA cells in a L2D or a single 123 cell in a P2D. (Of course, a single lithium 14500 cell would do it, but running at 3.7+ volts you lose the lower levels and have only Turbo until the cell's voltage drops - and by that time you're almost out of runtime.) Maybe this is why Fenix hasn't released the L1DR100 line? :shrug:

Here are the same shots at a larger size, to better show color rendition, etc. (which by the way is EXCELLENT with all of these lights):



The other thing which is EXCELLENT with all of these lights is the beam quality. They've all got slightly textured or "orange peel" reflectors, and the output is just about the best I've seen from any light. There is a large very bright hotspot, which smoothly and evenly fades into bright sidespill. There are no rings or artifacts in any of these lights. :rock: Of course, this affects throw to a certain extent, but these lights are so bright they're still throwing plenty well.

Bottom line: I sold all of my Fenix Crees to finance my Fenix Rebels... and I don't regret it one bit! These lights are fantastic.
Very nice and many thanks.

The only Fenix I have is the L2P, which I think is rated at 40-45 lumens. Even the L0D R80 that looks pathetic compared to the bigger lights would outshine it if Fenix has used a consistent rating over the years.
Pilow, maybe you should try to upgrade that L2p with a Seoul U bin, it will make a HUGE difference. I did and absolutely love it!

Pilow, maybe you should try to upgrade that L2p with a Seoul U bin, it will make a HUGE difference. I did and absolutely love it!


Be warned that it will cut the runtime though, because the SSC will be driven harder than the Lux I (the SSC flows more current at the same voltage than the Lux I, and the "constant current" driver in the L2P seems to behave as if it were looking for an output voltage and NOT an output current.)
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It looks like the P2D has a wider spillbeam, even as it has slightly less spill.

I like that.

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