Flashlight Enthusiast
I did a quick search but found no mention of it, which surprised me.
I have done a quick look video to introduce people to it and I shall be doing 1 or more night footage videos when I have time at night to show the light off.
Video 1 Overview
Video 2 Night time in the back garden
Video 3 Night time in the woods
Video 4 Longer range across a field and medium range on path + woods
I like it a lot. I love the retractable cover on the charging port, I like the strobe instant access, I like the signal capability with momentary access again. Most of all I like the throw! Not tested it in the dark yet, as I just got it. But I can't wait to try it out!
I have done a quick look video to introduce people to it and I shall be doing 1 or more night footage videos when I have time at night to show the light off.
Video 1 Overview
Video 2 Night time in the back garden
Video 3 Night time in the woods
Video 4 Longer range across a field and medium range on path + woods
I like it a lot. I love the retractable cover on the charging port, I like the strobe instant access, I like the signal capability with momentary access again. Most of all I like the throw! Not tested it in the dark yet, as I just got it. But I can't wait to try it out!
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