Fenix TK30, JetBeam M1X, Thrunite Catapault


Newly Enlightened
Jul 20, 2006
Hello Everyone,

In my search for a light that does at least 400 Lumens OTF, I have come across the Fenix TK30, the Jetbeam M1X, and the Thrunite Catapault. All are around the same price $150.

In searching here, it is my understanding that the Fenix has a more complicated user interface than the Jetbeam. But does the Thrunite have a complicated interface as well?

Out if these three, which is the most rugged?

Does the M1X still have the doughnut hole problems with it?


I believe the m1x still has issues with the doughnut hole... my most recent sample of the m1x did anyway.

In my opinion the jetbeam and tk30 interface are probably about equally as complicated to use. They are different though.

The 'new' version of the catapult appears to be very simple to use. It only has two modes high (~1000 lumens) and low (~250? lumens)
Are you looking for something with throw or more flood. I personally like a floody hand cannon over one with more throw. It's great to light up the entire backyard with an Olight M30 vs. a tight blinding spot of my EagleTAC M2XC4.
I really need something to light up about 150 yards. So I guess I need more throw, but if I could find something with more flood at that distance, I would be happy with that.
i have the catapult v1, and my friend has a M1X v4. i still like the catapult more. in terms of ruggedness, the catapult seems better for that, its definitely beefier, and heavier than the M1X. even though the catapult is heavier the balance of the light feels better, but it might wear you down like i did if your carrying it for a couple hours. its lighter than maglite 3D still. my friends M1X has been dropped many times, and works fine. ive dropped my catapult down concrete stairs and its ok.

the catapult v2 seems improved in everyway, most importantly the circuitry, and now it supports primaries. interface on the M1X is better, jetbeams IBS system is great.

as far as beam, the M1X does have the "hole" in the middle. catapults beam is very nice, especially considering i have the smooth reflector on mine. the catapults tint is cooler than the M1X. the spill is purplish, the hotspot is cool white, and the corona is yellowish. while the M1X's tint is a creamy white, with maybe a little red in it. you can only really see it by comparing tints with other lights though.

catapult throws a little better than the M1X. the M1X's hotspot and spill is wider, and not as intense. but still plenty bright, we learned that even the spill is enough to blind some.

hope this helps.
The catapult may be the most rugged out of the list as they have very thick bodies.
If you want rugged go check out Peak LED. They have some bright lights.
All are good lights - I have two M1Xs and really enjoy them. One is on the nightstand and the other in my police car and has seen some good battering around - still works like a charm.

Something to consider is Bugoutgear's 20% discount code of "cpfjet". Using that, an M1X will run you $116.00 shipped. The extension tube is another 8 bucks...

That new version of the Catapult sounds nice - may have to pick one up!

Good luck with your decision!

Oh.....and by the way - the "hole" in the beam is a non-issue for me. Only noticeable when conducting the dangerous, yet popular endeavor of white-wall hunting...
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