Hello Everyone,
In my search for a light that does at least 400 Lumens OTF, I have come across the Fenix TK30, the Jetbeam M1X, and the Thrunite Catapault. All are around the same price $150.
In searching here, it is my understanding that the Fenix has a more complicated user interface than the Jetbeam. But does the Thrunite have a complicated interface as well?
Out if these three, which is the most rugged?
Does the M1X still have the doughnut hole problems with it?
In my search for a light that does at least 400 Lumens OTF, I have come across the Fenix TK30, the Jetbeam M1X, and the Thrunite Catapault. All are around the same price $150.
In searching here, it is my understanding that the Fenix has a more complicated user interface than the Jetbeam. But does the Thrunite have a complicated interface as well?
Out if these three, which is the most rugged?
Does the M1X still have the doughnut hole problems with it?