Fenix TK40 vs TK45?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 2, 2007
I already have a Fenix TK40(which I'm running off of 8 Eneloop AAs). Should I also get the Fenix TK45? (Would it be worth it to have both or not..Considering I'd also have to buy 8 more Eneloops for the TK45?)

What are the pros and cons in a comparison between the TK40 and the TK45?

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I was reading some of the reviews here and someone posted a link to a site you where can see the beam shot comparisons of the two. I would definitely grab the TK45.:thumbsup:
I'm sure you know the differences in the specs between the two lights so I will only give my personal impression.
I have both lights and I have to say the TK45 has a wonderful brighter beam. It does not throw as far as the TK40 but at ranges up to 35 yards or so, it has a evenly spread out "wall of light" that is awesome and IMO better than the TK40. :)
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The TK45 sends out more light than TK40, but does not throw as far. The user interface on TK45 might be better with two side switch's, instead of one tail switch. Both differences is most about preferences.
They are both included in my newest beamshot comparison.
Honestly, it depends if you want throw or flood. If you like the throw of the tk40 and want more, you will be disappointed with the tk45.