Finally gave in!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2009
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
I have been very proud and insisted I would never go the way of the 123. AA's and D cell's were my choice. Old school reliability.


I bought a Nitecore EX10 R2 this week and a couple of AW li-ions to go with it.

I can't put this thing down. How could I possibly not have believed you could get so much light from something you can hide in the palm of your hand.

O this is BAD!! VERY BAD!!

There is now a WHOLE new world of lighting opportunities I never had access to before. And now, now I find myself making a growing list of lights that I MUST have!

I feel like I'm committing adultery or something. My poor D20 (which I've had for a month) seems like an old dog you once loved, but now you have no real use for except that you once loved it.

Should I be ashamed or excited?

OH NO!! My wife is home....
yeah I was shocked when I got my quark mini123
and sorta bummed that my other AA lights were so weak n big.
then I was BLOWN AWAY when I put a 16340 in there and set it to
high mode!!!

welcome to tha club!
Don't worry, I went through that phase a while ago, when I ordered an EZ123 and some RCR123's.

The amazement does die down after a while though, and you start to appreciate AA lights for what they are. True, they can't put out as much light for their size, but they have many many advantages. Now that I have a good selection of both Li-ion and AA lights, and I value all battery types for different situations, in fact, if I'm going away on holiday somewhere I'll be needing my lights, then it is the AA ones with their greater reliability, durability and versatility that I will be packing first.

I still simply cannot get over my ITP A3 on 10440 though, it's just plain incredible! :rock: