Firefli maintenance


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2002
My firefli started acting erratically a few weeks ago and I found that it was on dimly when it was screwed tight (off). I opened it up and found that the cells were a little wet. So after cleaning and drying it thoroughly it still came on dimly when it was off. I thought that the o ring at the junction was leaking air causing it to come on somehow. I found out that there was a high resistance connection between the neg connection and the tailcap It should read open I was getting 4.8124M ohms I tried all kinds of things to clean it and nothing worked then I remembered that I had a few drums of R11 left over from my a/c days and tried it and it worked like a charm, that stuff will take every last bit of oil from your skin but it does a great job cleaning parts. I tried to always keep the light however some moisture must have leaked in and permeated the material the insulates the cathode and the tail cap and caused a little current to flow. Things learned: never allow any oil on the threads of my light and periodically (depending on use) check /clean the tailpiece from time to time. Good for a few more years. On a side note I change the batteries once a year weather they need it or not.


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