First impressions Skilhunt H150


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015

Nice small light, just 53 grams w 14500 inside. Nice floody beam for close range.

Headband is comfortable, and it is easy to snap the light in and and out of the headband clip.

Outputs have useful spacing, the UI is pretty simple to figure out without reading instructions.. It memorizes the last used mode, which is convenient..

Also works on AA Eneloop and though the outputs are lower than on LiIon they are still useful and well spaced.

There is Zero PWM and the output is Regulated. These are excellent driver features. Im very happy I bought the light. It will make a good light to store in my car, or in my backpack when skiing out of bounds, loaded w LiIon and packed w spare Eneloop and Energizer Ultimate Lithium for best cold and hot weather tolerance.

The magnetic charger for LiIon is super convenient as the light does not need to be opened in order to charge the battery.

The switch button feels very nice, is easy to find by feel, and requires a relatively strong pressure of 2 pounds, to turn the light on. So Im carrying it unlocked, with no fear of burns. Plus, a single clic can only reach 235 lumens, and that is not enough to burn.

My take on the H150 UI:

I find it works very well for my preferences.

1 Clic from Off: A single clic turns on at one of 3 modes, 13, 70, 235 lumens.. it memorizes the last output used. Holding the button from On, will cycle those 3 outputs, release to select and memorize an output.

Quite intuitive actually, just clic on, hold to change, clic off.

Hold from Off: There are two low outputs, 0.1 lumens, and 1.8 lumens. To change between them, Hold will cycle them..

2 Clics from Off: There are two Turbo modes, 325 lumens and 475 lumens… To switch outputs, Hold the button to make them cycle.

that is a total of 7 outputs, of which 3 are memorized.

3 Clics from Off: There are 3 blinkies, tactical strobe, bicycle, and SOS. Double clic from on will cycle the 3 strobe options.( blinkies are the only modes that do not use Hold to cycle)

4 Clics from Off: This locks the button off, and turns on a Locator flash. The button will blink red when the light is electronically locked. To unlock do 4 clics again..

Overall, it is a great package and does everything I had hoped for. Recommended.
Last edited:
Decided to dedome:

was 4400K, duv 0.0038
dedome lowered the CCT by 20%, and the duv by 0.0061:

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