Long term flashlight enthusiast with a problem according to my family.
I do not think I have ever thrown one out
I have done a few searches and not found my answer.
Question is, has anyone converted a (3) AAA light to a (1) AA light?
I own an old (4) color Coast TAC Torch. It has the (3) AAA carrier in it and still works fine.
My BoB is setup around AA and I have a collection of Enelopes going to support it.
I would like to use this light as well however feeding it AAA or taking that into account has put me off of using it.
The thought of creating a carrier and wiring it up came to mind. Not sure if this old light is direct drive. It appears to be so unless they put something in the pill 5 years ago that I can't see.
I planned on testing my theory with solder and prayers however asking here first seemed prudent.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I do not think I have ever thrown one out
I have done a few searches and not found my answer.
Question is, has anyone converted a (3) AAA light to a (1) AA light?
I own an old (4) color Coast TAC Torch. It has the (3) AAA carrier in it and still works fine.
My BoB is setup around AA and I have a collection of Enelopes going to support it.
I would like to use this light as well however feeding it AAA or taking that into account has put me off of using it.
The thought of creating a carrier and wiring it up came to mind. Not sure if this old light is direct drive. It appears to be so unless they put something in the pill 5 years ago that I can't see.
I planned on testing my theory with solder and prayers however asking here first seemed prudent.
Thanks in advance for any advice.