First purchase made!


Newly Enlightened
Feb 26, 2009
So I posted in the General lights section with an inquiry to my first purchase, and I just pulled the trigger on a Surefire E2DL and E1B. I found what I hope was a good deal for $202.90 after shipping and cash back for both. I kept struggling with which one I would want, and had different uses in mind, and just figured I might as well get both. What path have I started down? :broke:

Anyways, I am super excited about getting my first high quality lights and will be looking at getting I think some AW RCR123's? Maybe the LiFePo4s? Not exactly sure what has been known to work with both of these lights. Can't wait for my package to arrive. :popcorn:
Congrats on your first purchase! Those are both some very fine lights and at a great price too! I believe that LiFePO4 cells will work (you'll have to do a search though). Don't use regular RCR123 (3.7v) though--neither of those lights like those.

<snip snip> .. What path have I started down? :broke:

You're going down a path where the total value of your lights will be greater than your overall net worth. :whistle:

I'm kidding ... it's not so bad as long as you control yourself. I will say first hand that this is easier said than done. I've gone overboard every so often, but I think I've done relatively well in comparison. I don't have a problem in selling some of my lights to fund a new purchase. There are members who've accumulated over 100+ high-end lights. :eek:
How unlike a Flashaholic to not be able to decide and buy both, just wait til you buy a second one as a backup in case you loose the first one although I got over that one pretty quickly. 209.00$ isn't too shabby for those lights by the way.
So... I just pulled the trigger on a Surefire E2DL and E1B. I found what I hope was a good deal for $202.90 after shipping and cash back for both.

A good deal????? Sounds to me like an outstanding deal. I think each of those lights usually retails for $140 +.

Two great lights, BTW. Many would say, the best.

But of course, now that you have them, you won't really need anything else..... :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:
AW's RCR123s works fine on my E2DL. :D

I was under the impression that there was still some debate here on CPF regarding running the E2DL with RCR123s. I though some people reported that the light is slightly brighter on high and low which we mean that the light it being overdriven.

Thats a GREAT first purchase! Wish I could find a deal like that! Sounds like your headed down the same expensive road we all travel!
How unlike a Flashaholic to not be able to decide and buy both, just wait til you buy a second one as a backup in case you loose the first one although I got over that one pretty quickly. 209.00$ isn't too shabby for those lights by the way.

I know for some members, if they have a light they love, they'll buy at least two of them ... one for play and one for display. Some even go as far as buying 5 or more of the same light because they found good deals on CPFM. :huh: No matter how much I like my lights, I haven't found the desire to buy more than one. There's just too many lights out there that I can buy instead. I guess I haven't reached the true flashaholic stage yet. :shrug:
But of course, now that you have them, you won't really need anything else..... :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:
*sigh* even though I am looking at getting something for my key chain :whistle: not sure what I want yet in that kind of light, so some more reading is in store for me.
Nice! It took me a few years of participating here on CPF to get my first Surefire. You went straight for the throat. You made two very good choices. You won't regret it.
Kiss your wallet goodbye, period.

(You're lights are the best combination in my opinion. I'm buying a single mode E2DL tonight and an E1B soon.)
You made some excellent choices! Congrats! And so it begins!!