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Sold/Expired Fivemega 3xAW C cell body S.F C SOLD!!!!


Nov 15, 2005
Selling a 3 x AW C cell C body host with tailcap in black, used 1 time. This is for the older black C cells not the new IMR 26500. Great for 1185 which is what I used it for. In excellent, new condition. $22 shipped. ConUS only. First "Ill take it" here gets it.
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Re: Fivemega 3xAW C cell body S.F C head


:thanks: for the great deal! :thumbsup:
Re: Fivemega 3xAW C cell body S.F C head

BTW rookie ('rookie', lol, you joined CPF over 4 years before I did), I did a thread here where I cover a few LED options w/ 3xC alkaline (& 3xC NiMH) with this body in case you're interested. It's a pretty flexible unit IMO.
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Re: Fivemega 3xAW C cell body S.F C head

Hi Kestrel,

yes, time flies too fast when you are having fun!

Thanx for the interesting read. I was planning on using 3 C Alkaline/NiMh to drive a Malkoff M30F. The current set w/ a 18650 doesn't seem to provide enough runtime for me. I forgot about the battery size difference. Will have to find something to fill the void.

Thank again! :wave:

BTW rookie ('rookie', lol, you joined CPF over 4 years before I did), I did a thread here where I cover a few LED options w/ 3xC alkaline (& 3xC NiMH) with this body in case you're interested. It's a pretty flexible unit IMO.
Re: Fivemega 3xAW C cell body S.F C head

Thanx for the interesting read. I was planning on using 3 C Alkaline/NiMh to drive a Malkoff M30F. The current set w/ a 18650 doesn't seem to provide enough runtime for me. I forgot about the battery size difference. Will have to find something to fill the void.
Unfortunately, the M30 is pretty outdated by now - IMO the top candidate for the three-cell body is the new Malkoff M61. Compared to the M30, it has a more efficient emitter (XP-G, more lumens per watt and a lower Vf) and a more efficient driver (buck rather than boost for starters). More output than either the M60 or M30, and a longer runtime than the M60 (& a much longer runtime than the M30). The M61 is replacing the M60, M60F, M30, & M30F in the Malkoff lineup, for good reason: it stays regulated down to a lower voltage than the M60, and the regulation of the M30 was always kind of 'odd' - not really regulated at all in the normal sense (the M30 driver has been documented to draw more current as the voltage increases, rather unusual).

I've used both the M60 and M30 for relatively low-voltage (1x18650) configurations and sold off the M30 as it didn't really perform as well overall. The M61 should be magnificent on 3xC (both in output and runtime), much better than the M60 or M30.

Glad you liked my thread, I've had a lot of fun with those FM 'C' bodies.
Good luck,
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