FiveMega's new Par36 head


Oct 10, 2007
Great South Bay, LINY
Here's how FM describes what is needed for the Maglite version of his new PAR36 head:

M*g "D" head will need a towerless switch to solder a pair of wires to Positive and Negative of switch to both terminals of PAR36

My question: Can I use an AW soft start D switch with the KIU socket removed and the leads extended?

Is polarity an issue, or can the leads from the switch run to either terminal on the lamp?
I would think it should work, be the same difference as using a bi pin bulb except your extending its leads to the lamp assembly. Don't remember about the polarity, if i remember correctly I think it does matter which way you hook these up.:thinking:
I just planned to make a socket, or just use the ends of the wire if single strand and plug the wires from the 36 terminals into the kiu socket...No?

I hadn't concidered polarity, but havent ever checked with an incan yet so will take a look at the 36's when I get some.

What you planning to get, I like the empty reflectors you linked to.
That's an interesting idea..sticking wire leads from the lamp into the KIU socket.

I'm planning on using one with off-the-shelf PAR36 lamps, and buying two of the empty enclosures for the other flood and one spot. Then I'll try gerry-rigging a socket to the enclosures, so I can run any bi-pin I want.
FM's answer:

These M*g "D" heads will work with any available soft start or regulated switch, as long as you run a pair of wires from switch to bulb terminals or from regulator to bulb terminals.
Polarity for incand is not important same as bi pin bulbs which you can insert it either way.

This is gonna be fun!

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