Looking for someone to flash a few 8 pin SOIC-N PICs. I have the hex file. If you are capable of doing it & can help me out please PM me or post here so I can PM you the details. Of course I will pay for your services. Thanks
The first question would be who makes them? What is the exact part number? My programming station/development board for the PhD project is for Atmel devices (Alan and I are using the Tiny85), and this platform can do many Atmel chips, but only Atmel chips. If this SOIC were to be (for example) a PIC part, we would need a completely different programmer and development tool/software for it. Simple programmers are actually fairly cheap (sometimes as low as $25), and the software might be free, so it is not a costly endeveour as long as you buy the "right" equipment to start with
The actual programming of the SOIC parts represent a challenge if there are not in some sort of "platform" or board or adapter to keep them steady "enough" during programming, so that would be one thing to know: are these already soldered to a board and does the board have the (typical) 6-pin programming port?
In other words, perhaps we can help - give us more information to see what can be done