Flashaholic Fellowship


Aug 24, 2008
Munfordville, KY
I am a member of a small, humble chruch called friendship baptist. While at a youth meeting the power goes out. Now this wouldnt be too bad but another member was in the middle of a sermon, so everyone freaked out and then....BOOM! light, me and two other members (guys are always so much more prepared than girls) pulled out our EDCs and lit up the church. At first some or the younger girls complained about the spill being too bright but they were thankful for the light anyways. About 10 min. of flashlight lit preaching and the lights came back on. It should have ended there but we had another young man come up to the pulpit to present the work of God. He begins to preach and about the time he really starts getting excited the lights go out AGAIN, so we all whip out the lights again and I just set mine on the pew so that it bounces the light off the ceiling. The boy beside me pulls out his surefire and trys to do a comparison, his light was downright purple compared to my milky white Q5, after we disrupted the preaching for our little comparison the preacher finishes his sermon by sickly purple surefire light....

Its great to get the opportunity to show my friends that carrying a flashlight isnt as stupid as they may think.

+1 for flashaholicism
This is a great story and great example of how useful it can be to carry lights! I have only recently (past year) started EDC-ing my lights everywhere, and always have my N30 with me, but I have yet to have had an experience like this. Your Q5 must have looked amazing in the church. Thanks for sharing the story!:goodjob:
Um,… Why was there some one else in your church with a surefire:thinking:? You quoted him: "as some boy with a sickly purple tinted surefire" as though there are always that sort of person around with out you knowing or caring about it:faint:. I'm surprised when I go camping and my friends bring flashlights let alone some kid EDCing a Surefire to church:faint::party:!
Let there be LIGHT !


'Tis better to light a candle, than to curse the Darkness.
I agree that the N30 would have been too much.

I would have just had my 150 lumen Task Force 2C CREE, as that's the light I carry when I need something small that fits in my pocket and doesn't show.:thumbsup:

I always carry my lights when I am out at night and use them when I am walking through parking lots as they sure work well alerting drivers that otherwise might not see me.
Well, young man, I wish you were a member of my church! I pastor a small rural Baptist church in central Texas and we have been known to have power outages, too. I have held short services by oil-lamp light, but never anything as sophisticated as LEDs.

One reason I joined here at CPF is that I have begun a quest for something better than my "Walmart's Best" that always seems to have run down batteries.

My small youth group seem to favor "plug in the cigarette lighter spotlights" in their pickup trucks. I'll poll the youth Sunday School class tomorrow morning to see who owns a decent light.
Ohhh I didnt know I put it that way (some kid) well the other two guys that had flashlights (a e2e with a led head and an e1e with the led head) are acutally a skillets kids. So if power goes out tonight there will be atleast 4 people with lights (skillet edcs aswell)
Awesome story. I wish I knew other church members with a similar interest in lights.

lol to the impromptu light comparison :crackup:.

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