Flashaholic walks dogs


Nov 30, 2004
so i took the dogs out for their nightly walk and decided to take an older 6v lantern with magnum star bulb and compare it to my malkoff 6d drop-in, which is my usual night walking light. of course it was stomped and by quite a bit. as i came to the edge of my property i decided to leave the lantern there as it was not going to get much use. i bent over to put it down and something fell out of my shirt pocket. oh, the dmini i had just charged up! we continue on with me comparing the two beams when i feel something shifting around in my pants pocket. oh, the L2T i normally carry around the house. i had taken 4 lights with me and not even intentionally! of course i have an L0P on my keys and a photon on the pull tab of my jacket.... jeez! i was reminded of the part in "Dark Knight" where they talk about the Joker having nothing in his pockets but knives and lint.
I usually take 4. The P3D is the primary flashlight. L1D and E0 in my pocket. Either the Tiablo MA6 or FM 2X18650 TL-3 on my belt just for kicks. The P3D on medium is plenty powerful for the walk.
I used the FM light with the standard TL-3 bulb for a walk one night. I actually had people come to look out their doors/windows to see what I was doing. :D That rarely happens when I use the P3D on medium.
Halloween is next week. I plan on taking every light I can. I want to hang some of the smaller ones off my vest, lit of course. :grin2:
The hardest part of taking my dog for a walk is deciding which lights to take with me. I figure I go to the range periodically to make sure my firearms are in good working order and to get practice... why not to the same with my lights. It's a good time to get used to the UI of your latest purchase, find out that the switch in light X is starting to get a little flaky, or to just plain play around with them! :twothumbs
What kind of dog and how big? There might be a relationship between size of dog and size of or number of lights.
that's great!

don't forget the keychain light and the zipper light so that was 6. walking 2 dogs and myself is merely 2 lights per organism. i'll try to up the ratio
that's great!

don't forget the keychain light and the zipper light so that was 6. walking 2 dogs and myself is merely 2 lights per organism. i'll try to up the ratio

Hmmm, I agree with upping the ratio - 6 lights for a person and 2 dogs seems a bit sparse. Between pockets & holsters, plus one in the hand - you should be able to comfortably carry at least 3 per organism.
Don't forget the light on the dog collar. That changes the ratio. I have been experimenting with one, for the dog not me. Otherwise, with a dachshund capable of defeating attackers with a rapidly wagging tail, it varies between a 3D mag for short walks, a Taskforce 2C, and an old 3AA Tasklight, which is becoming a favorite for the purpose. I might have to check out the C4 version.
I used to hang one of the Target Rock River mini lanterns on my Golden's collar when we walked. It worked, but not as well as I'd hoped because of her long fur that eclipsed most of the light, and when she dropped her nose to sniff, it totally blacked out in front of her.

But when she was walking head up, it was pretty neat having that pool of light moving in front of her.
I used to hang one of the Target Rock River mini lanterns on my Golden's collar when we walked. It worked, but not as well as I'd hoped because of her long fur that eclipsed most of the light, and when she dropped her nose to sniff, it totally blacked out in front of her.

But when she was walking head up, it was pretty neat having that pool of light moving in front of her.

You should put three on the collar, one on each side and one on the top.
that's pretty funny. I'm always carrying two or three lights on my dog walks. Tonight it was the LS20, 120P, and Milky L1. BTW, the 120P holds up pretty good to those custom lights! It could be anything out of the collection on any night though.

One evening I heard some people on their balcony say "there goes the flashlight guy." I took it as a complement more or less.

Well I normally carry at least two lights, usually a tiablo A9 thrower and a ex-10 for short distance flood. I really like the ability to reduce the light output on the ex-10, and its form factor.
I may also carry a button flashlight on my key ring. I live semi rural so no streetlights in my area.
I also carry a skeletool cx for any light duties required.
Last time I was in the paddocks working at night and I had at least 4 lights.
Oh and the above does not include my headlamp.
When i go out for a walk with the dog (and Mom...needs assistance after a stroke), i always carry my PH50 with me...1st backuplight is a Microfire K3500R, which is also my primary EDC...and as last one a P0D on the keychain...

My dog uses the Nite Ize Flashfllight Spotlight LED on her collar, and it works pretty well for her. Here's the link to my post about the light with some video:


Also, when I walk Roxy at night, I usually take a G2Z with M60L in it to look around and for general lighting things up, and a thrower of some sort to light up anything at a distance.

I always have a SF E2DL on me no matter what, so that goes with me, too. Walking the dog at night has been a great excuse to take the lights out and use them.