Flashaholics Official Song?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2004
chill valley
CPF theme song

I nominate "I see the light" by Jorma Kaukonen.

"In this world I'm living in I see the light
Sins are gone, now I know what is wrong and right
Morning came on slowly pushing back the night
It's good times now that I can see the light
On this road I'm walking on I see my way
Paradise I'm living for each and every day
'Bout the crossroads of the past, nothing more to say
It's good times now but we can see our way
In this sea I'm moving through, feel my life complete
With the one I'm living for time is, oh, so sweet
Feeling us together, living in the bright
It's good times now, we can see the light
In this world I'm living in I see the light
Sins are gone, now I know what is wrong and right
Morning came on slowly pushing back the night
It's good times now that we can see the light"

It's not really a flashlight song, but the theme seems appropriate.
Free E.T.
Re: CPF theme song

Wow, nice lyrics. It speaks of the good that CPF stands for.

On a more frivoulous note, I hear the Luxeon Lottery crew singing "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif
Re: CPF theme song

After looking at some of the Cambria and other get together photos I think "Blinded by the Light" might be more appropriate. Would kind of have a double meaning...
Re: CPF theme song

Here we come, walking down the street...
Gettin' the funniest looks from, everyone we meet.
Hey, hey we're the junkies, [flashaholics reference]
People say we're monkeying around.
We're to busy playing [with our lights]
to put anyone down.

I know, pretty lame.
But 'getting the funniest looks' is something I can relate to. [not necesarily for my flashaholism, tho'] /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif

Re: CPF theme song

It's nice to know Im not the only hot tuna fan here. I used to play them on the station in Iraq. It caused some giggels.

As for strange lyrics, look up "Blinded by the Light". Talk about teen age sexual stress issues!

Later dudes
Jack Crow
Re: CPF theme song

I was going to suggest "See the Light" by Aldo Nova.
Let me go check those lyrics...BRB...ok, it's not dirty or anything. That's what I wanted to check for. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: CPF theme song

but mama, that's where the fun is....

'Blinded by the Light' was originally by Bruce Springsteen, who must have had way too many coffees when he wrote this...('I left my cake out in the rain'-from 'McArthur Park'- has nothing on these lyrics!)
The absolute killer version is by Manfred Mann, whose Australian singer made 'revved up like a deuce'- a hotrod car- sound like 'wrapped up like a douche'...
Re: CPF theme song

rikvee said:
but mama, that's where the fun is....
The absolute killer version is by Manfred Mann, whose Australian singer made 'revved up like a deuce'- a hotrod car- sound like 'wrapped up like a douche'...

[/ QUOTE ]
That was the only version I remember. And until your post, that's what I thought he said. Thanks!
All those years singing along saying 'wrapped up like a douche'...
Danno /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hahaha.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif
Re: CPF theme song

Jeff Healey is a blind Canadian guitar virtuoso /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buttrock.gif (nothing like Blind Mellon) and he has the chops to throw down with the best guitarists around. He has an excellent flashaholic song called See The Light. (Blues, rock, pop)

Can you see the light,
can you see the light of need shinin' in my eye?
Can you see the light,
can you see the light of need shinin' in my eye?

Well, you know I need you baby,
and I sure ain't gonna tell you no lie

Can you see the light,
can you see the light of want shinin' on my face?
Can you see the light,
can you see the light of want shinin' on my face? hey

Well, you know I want you, mama,
come on, we'll get from this place, now
look out!, yeah!

Can you see the light,
can you see the light of love shinin' from my heart?
Can you see the light,
can you see the light of love shinin' from my heart?

Well, you know I love you, baby,
an' I sure want to give this thing a start, Lord!
Can you see the light?
Can you see the light?
Can you see the light?, say!
Can you see the light, yeah?

My vote goes to this song because it /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buttrock.gif 's
Re: CPF theme song

It's the title of the song that I use when people ask me what that is on my belt [which is a flashlight, BTW /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif]. I say that it's "This Little Light Of Mine." You know, the old children's song.

This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. X2
Let it shine. X3

Hide it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine. X2
Re: CPF theme song

I'd vote for the end theme from the "Ghost in the Shell" manga TV series: "Lithium Flower" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
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