Flashlight collection clarity brought on my COVID19 Work Lull


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2009
Sweet Home Alabama
Long title - long post. My wife and I have been catching up on a lot of chores - organizing and cleaning - during this situation. And in so doing, I've really taken a hard look at the light collection.

I continue to go to the office. Before any of you chide me for doing so, we have a small office with no one coming in other than our CEO and me, and we practice proper 'distancing.' (Geez - I'm 62 and I've never seen anything like this.) Our president and admin are both working from home, and all our other employees are scattered around the country. We are small business / consulting firm that specializes in workforce development, critical chain, and strategic planning.

So, I've had some time to reflect. The other day I looked at my 'collection' page on CPF and I was blown away by how the collection has crept up to ridiculous levels. That said, some on this forum (and beyond) have collections that make mine look like a beginner's.

So, I started looking around at the ones that I really would have a hard time letting go of. Have you ever done that? Oh sure – we all have a purge from time to time, but if you are like me it's because you want to raise cash for something else. But what if you were giving the others away and wanted to keep only your "A team?" And it doesn't have to be just one! Heck! We are flashaholics and the concept of "just one" is rare among this group!

So, here's my line up. L-R

  • Cool Fall Spy 007 serial number 252. I've had this light for at least 7 years. I am not the original owner. It does have the modern firmware and a neutral white XPG2. Although I've owned many a Spy through the years, this is the one that has stuck with me (and always will).

  • Zebralight SC64c LE. This would be tough. I own 5 Zebralights (and have owned many more) and two of the oldest lights in my collection are an SC32w and SC62w. I absolutely love both of those, but the beam and tint of this one is right up my alley. Zebralight is an amazing product – they were ahead of their time with their UI and having a rugged little light like this with 18650 capacity, uber low moonlight, and intuitive level switching is a must.

  • McGizmo Haikus – both modded by Tana with triple Nichia emitters and H17Fx driver. One is the R9080 SW40 and the other is an R9080 SW45. In spite of my love of warm/neutral tint, the 4500 is my favorite - but I love 'em both. The Haiku host is timeless and still one of the most beautiful tools (yes, tools) I've ever seen or owned, and Tarik's expert modifications make these lights absolute treasures.

  • Okluma DC0 in Titanium. Man, do I love this little light. This one is from the original batch, although it went back to Jeff to have guppydrv installed and a softer boot. The tint and beam of this thing are extraordinary and the light is built like a tank. Couple that with the unparalleled customer service of Jeff and this one is an absolute must have. I believe this is a 4000k Nichia 219B

  • Okluma DC1 in Aluminum. This is an absolute workhorse. Jeff modded it for me – R9080 SW35 and H17Fx. The tint and beam are just amazing. Incidentally, I have a titanium version of this light in the safe – it has the H17Fx and the stock Nichia 219 that Jeff uses. Surprising that it isn't in this line up, but it's definitely a safe queen – never been carried – and the lights on this stage are users.

  • HDS Rotary NB4 Nichia with flush tail cap and sapphire lens. I picked this light up second hand and it is an absolute jewel. I've owned literally dozens of HDS lights through the years, but this is absolutely the best I've owned. I have a tactical, raised button rotary with the XPG in the console of my truck and I'd probably hang on to it, too, but if I had to pare it down to just one this is the one I'd keep. In fact, in spite of all the horsepower that's available to me in this line up, the HDS has been my daily carry since I got it. The beam is just gorgeous and the more focused spot makes it seem almost as bright as the others.

Through the years I've sold lights and regretted it. I owned 2 of the original Cool Fall Tri-Vs and I've always regretted selling them. I've owned more McGizmos than I can remember, but the one that I should never have sold was an LS20 that had multiple mods…DeFab installed a warm XPG and some warm flood emitters. Firestormer installed his Centauri mod on it. And I had a clicky pack for it. It was a treasure. And sadly, when I sold it the post office lost it. Thankfully I'd insured it and we recovered the cost of the light, but whatever slimeball stole it had no idea what they had.

I'm sure there are others that I would regret if I remembered them… (Milky mods, anyone?), but thankfully, my memory is not recalling them.
When I look at all of the other lights that are just collecting dust or taking up space, I really ought to consider having a huge sale! But this line up – Good Lord willing and no unforeseen situations – will stay with me.

So, this was my random, COVID19 CPF post. Other than WTS posts I haven't written anything in years. Weird for me because I used to regularly post reviews and beam shots.

If you read this entire post, I hope you enjoyed it and have better things to do soon! lovecpf
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Thank you for your heartfelt sharing of your collection. I feel sad that you sold some that you regret letting go of. I hope that you are able to replenish your line up.
Thank you for your heartfelt sharing of your collection. I feel sad that you sold some that you regret letting go of. I hope that you are able to replenish your line up.

Well that's nice of you to say. I'm really okay with it - absolutely blessed to have so many great ones! I suppose that part of the fun of this hobby is letting some go and trying new ones. At this stage, I'm not as apt to let one go and pick up another one.
Thanks for sharing. Your posts and reviews with the beamshots were among my favorites, your lineup was always fantastic!

I always had a hard time with the threads; which one/two/three lights are your must haves. I couldn't get it down to that low. Your process makes the most sense. While there are lights that I would like to get, I have done like you did.

Among my current lights;
My HDS rotary with NLT is my go to EDC. I switch between the 18650 and 16340 bodies. The UI is my absolute favorite.

For constant on is a Malkoff Lego (MD2 body, cr123 extender and surefire tailcap) with an M61N. I plan on putting an M91N in it or just getting the new wildcat if and when they come out.

When I need hands free, out comes my ZL H600fc (mk3) or my BLF LT1 lantern.

For fun/current thrower is a Convoy C8 from MTN electronics ( soon to be replaced by a Malkoff- just have to figure out which one I want)

When I need tons of light my Manker MK39 RangerVN has both spot and flood at hand.

My nostalgic lights are a Surefire e2e and a minimag.

I realized many lights (lumintop FW3a) are cool but the runtime, heat management or complicated UI keeps them out of my rotation.

On my next to buy list would be a Malkoff Hound dog of some flavor or a wildcat.

Down the road, I would like an Elzetta Bravo or Dark sucks Alpha for their beam type and quality build.

Eventually, a Spy 007 or trek would top off my users.
Great post. I didn't mention my Surefires. I have an E2E with a Lumens factory bulb, a stock G2 Nitrolon and a 6P with one of the original Vinh light engines. I'll be hanging onto those as well!
Thanks for sharing. Your posts and reviews with the beamshots were among my favorites, your lineup was always fantastic!

I always had a hard time with the threads; which one/two/three lights are your must haves. I couldn't get it down to that low. Your process makes the most sense. While there are lights that I would like to get, I have done like you did.

Among my current lights;
My HDS rotary with NLT is my go to EDC. I switch between the 18650 and 16340 bodies. The UI is my absolute favorite.

For constant on is a Malkoff Lego (MD2 body, cr123 extender and surefire tailcap) with an M61N. I plan on putting an M91N in it or just getting the new wildcat if and when they come out.

When I need hands free, out comes my ZL H600fc (mk3) or my BLF LT1 lantern.

For fun/current thrower is a Convoy C8 from MTN electronics ( soon to be replaced by a Malkoff- just have to figure out which one I want)

When I need tons of light my Manker MK39 RangerVN has both spot and flood at hand.

My nostalgic lights are a Surefire e2e and a minimag.

I realized many lights (lumintop FW3a) are cool but the runtime, heat management or complicated UI keeps them out of my rotation.

On my next to buy list would be a Malkoff Hound dog of some flavor or a wildcat.

Down the road, I would like an Elzetta Bravo or Dark sucks Alpha for their beam type and quality build.

Eventually, a Spy 007 or trek would top off my users.

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