Flashlight Dreams/Nightmares


Newly Enlightened
Sep 24, 2004
Mt Holly Springs, PA
Is it only me or does anyone else have these dreams/nightmares were they are trying to use their lights and they don't work. Last night I had another dream/nightmare where I was trying to leave the house and do something, it wasn't quite clear what; but I could not find one light that would work. I picked up light after light and hit the switch and nothing. I never find one that works and then I wake up. I've had several of these night terrors and they are very disturbing. Is it just me or has anyone else experienced these nightmares?

H.D.T. = Happy Dark Trails (Hopefully)
You are not the only one. I just had one last night as well. I met some fellow flashlight enthusiasts in my dream and wanted to show them my high CRI EDC, only it was very dim and unimpressive. I tried replacing the battery to no avail. Worse yet are dreams I have had where a flashlight falls apart because of a short drop or even less, and I am left holding just pieces in my hands and wondering if it will ever work again.
I have only had those dreams when obsessing over a new light. It is always one of my current lights that don't work. I always wake up convinced that I have to have the new light.;)
Yup I have those dreams sometimes. Light doesn't work at all, or it comes on very weak compared to what I know it should be. Another one I have is I really need a light but can't find one anywhere in my home and so have to go searching outside for something in the pitch black.

And then the ulitmate nightmare is every light I have is replaced by a mini-mag! :eek:
I have them too... Flip switch and light does not work. I'm stuck somewhere in the dark and can't see:candle:. I think its the flashahaulic equivalent to the "running from a scary monster in slow-motion" dream.

One time I dream'd my M2 was a lightsaber and I was using it to prune trees in my yard. THAT was cool... "An elegant weapon for a more civilized day."
Yup I have those dreams sometimes. Light doesn't work at all, or it comes on very weak compared to what I know it should be. Another one I have is I really need a light but can't find one anywhere in my home and so have to go searching outside for something in the pitch black.

And then the ulitmate nightmare is every light I have is replaced by a mini-mag! :eek:

Flashlight deficiency disorder? When one fears that their flashlight implement will perform below their expectations when needed. :laughing:
I've had that dream with guns, but never lights...
Did your gun work or not work in your dream?

Only product specific dream I remember was also about a gun. S&W model 60 back when they were pretty new. When I needed it, it worked perfectly, which may be why I always liked revolvers.

This is NOT a flame, just a personal psychological comment, but...I think if I ever did have a dream about a light that did not work, it would be a clicky and if it did work, it would be a twisty. Just my subconscious...
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Did your gun work or not work in your dream?

Only product specific dream I remember was also about a gun. S&W model 60 back when they were pretty new. When I needed it, it worked perfectly, which may be why I always liked revolvers.

This is NOT a flame, just a personal psychological comment, but...I think if I ever did have a dream about a light that did not work, it would be a clicky and if it did work, it would be a twisty. Just my subconscious...
Not, which seemed really bad at the time. It was a DA revolver that felt like it had a 100 pound trigger pull:ohgeez:.

Luckily, I rarely remember my dreams anymore.
Ha, I thought about posting some of my flashlight dreams but didn't know if it was worth a thread!

I had one recently where I was walking down a gravel trail in the woods in the middle of the night, with my Minimag LED, but all that was illuminated was the area right around my feet.

The more interesting dream was one that involved myself and a couple other people checking out an old abandoned house out in the country. The house was basically falling apart, just a wreck that was somehow still standing. After poking around upstairs, we found a basement type corridor with a wooden center walkway over the dirt floor, and wood frame braces along the corridor. It was dark in there of course. The other guys said "hey let's go down here". I shined my L1D up and around the corridor and saw lots of thick hanging spiderwebs, and told them I would wait outside (apparently they didn't see the webs). I waited a few minutes then began to hear loud wailing sounds as the other guys ran willy-nilly back out, flailing their arms. I guess they found the spiders that made the webs!! :laughing:

Those were the only two that came to mind offhand. If I think of any other good ones I'll post 'em.
Mine involved a newly acquired L2. I was white-wall hunting and to my dismay, the low was something like 0.00000001 lumens and the high was roughly 3 lumens. I was very disappointed and felt like I was ripped off. Then I woke up :laughing:
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I have tha same dream about guns too!!! I draw my glock but just can't pull the trigger! It seem like the trigger is too heavy! freaky nightmare!
I had one recently, a few days after receiving a package of parts from Fivemega.

I was in this a desolate wilderness on a moonless pitch black night, with a woman. I had no idea whom she was. We were alone. I don't know how or why we were there, but I knew we had to find somewhere safe, quickly, and that solace would be many miles away. From my coat pocket I pulled out a 9P, which was so full of custom parts it really should have had a name of it's own, for apart from the bezel, Surefire had little to do with it. I switched on and watched the beam reach out comfortingly into the darkness. It was quite thrilling to watch that shaft of light cutting through the inky night, showing us the way. The walk would be exhausting, possibly dangerous, but at least we could see. The woman turned to me, hugging my arm and with a warm smile said "Gosh, that's so bright. It's wonderful."
But before I was able to stop, I could hear my mouth running off in high gear saying 'Well yes that's a CL1499 bi-pin lamp blah blah blah VLOP reflector blah blah blah running off two Pila lithium-ion 18650s blah blah blah custom 2x 18650 body blah blah blah which is one cell longer than stock blah blah blah run time blah blah blah just look at the knurling on that blah blah blah custom lamp assembly blah blah blah machined from a solid block blah blah blah..."
The woman's beautiful brown eyes slowly glazed over as she slipped into a blissful comatose state, and I awoke with a start, and a horrifying inescapable realization boring through my brain as I shrieked...

Oh dear god...

I'm a nerd!

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LOL this is too funny i was gonna start a post about flashlight dreams but i thought it'd be too werid, in the month of aug, i had sooooooo many flashlight dreams, just about using the ones i had....nothing like it failing or anything, i guess that would be a CPF member's worst night mare!
I was hiding (something) from a cop, and he didn't have a flashlight. I pulled out an M6 and when I turned it on, it made the sun appear where I pointed it up in the night sky. Turned night into a sunny day.

I know the M6 is awesome, but no way can it live up to that dream standard.