Flashlight fire

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Newly Enlightened
Jan 23, 2008
Hey! :candle:

I would like a SMALL flashlight that can set fire to stuff, could it be made?
By small I also mean cheap, and not necessarily too many minutes of runtime. A SureFire 6P or 9P size light would do nicely.

This is just a light for setting fire to stuff, no practical use whatsoever. The more consentrated beam the better.

Also, does anyone know where I can get a <2 watt laser, aaaaand some protective goggles... :D

But remember, the main objective is to set fire to something in the shortest possible time.
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Something with an ellipsoidal reflector. That reflector will probably have to be custom made for you, as it will have very little practical use aside from burning things.
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TigerHawkT3 is the man to talk to, he made a special burning light (may have consisted of a lighter and a flashlight, no one knows for sure)
I have just what you need! The handheld hydrocarbon extreme fuel-cell powered aerodynamic supertorch, or HEFPAS for short.
It uses a proven kinetic contact ignition system that's so simple, it only requires a finger to activate and it runs for about 20 minutes on one single charge.
Replacement fuel cells available in your local quick-e-marts!
Better yet, it only costs 2USD!
That's right!

...yeah a lighter would work for you.
smallest I know is the minimag auroralite hotwire
I have yet to light something with it. it'll burn holes on black paper given some considerable time but won't do much in terms of fire

keep in mind that such threads may not be appropriate for CPF, so be careful on selecting topic matters to work with :grin2:
and might want to change the thread title to "small flashlight firestarter" as the current title will make others mistake it for a fire-related incident:eek:

TigerHawkT3 is the man to talk to, he made a special burning light (may have consisted of a lighter and a flashlight, no one knows for sure)

the survivor light mod? ;)
If it can't be a lighter then try a 9 volt battery and a bit of steel wool between the contacts. Works every time.

If you add a white led and a dropping resistor then you could call it a flashlight.
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Hey! :candle:

I would like a SMALL flashlight that can set fire to stuff, could it be made?
By small I also mean cheap, and not necessarily too many minutes of runtime. A SureFire 6P or 9P size light would do nicely.

This is just a light for setting fire to stuff, no practical use whatsoever. The more consentrated beam the better.

Also, does anyone know where I can get a <2 watt laser, aaaaand some protective goggles... :D

But remember, the main objective is to set fire to something in the shortest possible time.

Why not just carry a small lighter?
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Thanks guys :)

I will check out the links and tips.

The reason I want a light to set fires, and the reason why I know it also works, is that I saw a couple of videos online of people torching rolled up balls of newspaper in like 2 seconds with a only 2'000 lumen light.
I need it because a lot of times you can't keep a flame burning, but photons have never been affected by wind...

Besides it's great for drying wet fire starting material, and also for scaring the crap out of people :twothumbs

Other uses may or may not include shrinking shrinkable plastic tubes around wires, etc.

Hehe speaking of wires... I just found a way to carry electricity on non-isolated wires, with 0% chance of fire or accidents or even discharging into walls which it is fastened to and such. Would people pay for something like that? It is highly unconventional, but should work pretty great.
If you REALLY want a flashlight that will start a fire ...

How about a 2x123 with one fully charged cell and one 3/4 discharged cell?
Or were you looking for something that could be used more than once?

(sorry - I couldn't help myself !)
Speak of the devil... :devil:

First, let me say that anything involving fire is dangerous. Combine it with a flashlight or laser that happens to be powerful enough to start a fire, and it's even more dangerous. Please be careful, whatever you do.

There are several options. You could use an Auroralite to ignite a match, you could get an ordinary >100W Magmod, you could get a ~50W incan and focus it with an ellipsoidal, or you could use a >100mW laser. DX has some cheap, focusable 100mW reds if you want.

If you want things to burn, try Mg shavings or smokeless powder. For the Mg, you could try to find a source that sells the shavings directly, or buy a little block from a camping supplies store and make them yourself (time-consuming). For the smokeless, go to a sporting goods store and get the cheapest box of 12ga birdshot you can find, and empty a couple shell's worth of powder into a little pill fob (available at most drugstores). You can also try ordinary Fire-Sticks or something similar.

Thermite also burns quite well and can be ignited with an ordinary flint and steel, but I haven't tried it yet, so I can't comment on how well it'd work for your purposes.

Once again, be safe - fire is hot.
The reason I want a light to set fires, and the reason why I know it also works, is that I saw a couple of videos online of people torching rolled up balls of newspaper in like 2 seconds with a only 2'000 lumen light/quote]

Only 2000 lumen light.............:thinking::huh2:

2000 is a whole lot of lumens as far as flashlights go.

Incandescent bulbs powered by portable sources such as small batteries are terribly inefficient at making making enough sustained heat to start fires or dry out wet fire making material. Unfortunately the technology doesn't yet exist for the purposes that you've indicated.

A small butane torch from the hardware store would probably serve you best.
A P91 powered by 2x 18650's in a Leef body might do the trick
Same with a ROP Hi or Mag85
Those are the only three reasonably priced options I know of.
Thermite does burn extremly hot but is difficult to light and stay lit. Usually you need magnesium ribbon or thermite ignition mix.
Thanks guys, but keep in mind I am only interested in using photons to start fires or melt stuff here.

I have enough thermite, napalm and gunpowder to last a few years...
Actually it's not the photons that emit the heat that causes the fire, it's infrared energy (not photons but similar I suppose) that's why tank lights and the Data 70 LED light don't start fires but are hugely powerful.
I agree with the posts about using a laser. A friend of mine is experimenting with laser diodes to make a burning laser. The one he currently is using is a 200mW laser in a small maglite (2AAA?) body. He is able to focus it enough to pop balloons and make dark colored fabric or plastic smoke but has not actually "ignited" anything yet. So I would say you're going to need a more powerful laser, and a very effective focusing lens. And don't try to overdrive a weak laser because you just burn that out too. I don't know that much about lasers, I'm a noob too, but I'd say that's probably a better bet than an incan bulb for fire startin'. :shrug:
(quote) "I have enough thermite, napalm and gunpowder to last a few years..."

Again, i'm gonna have to press "TROLL ALERT" . Either Giggles here is jerking us around, or he's soon to get some unwanted ATF attention, then this thread will get REAL funny !!!!:D
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