Flashlight modding for dummies?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 8, 2007
Little Rock, Arkansas
I recently entered the world of the flashlight hobby with the purchase of a Streamlight TL-2 LED, and have been posting here and reading lots of threads. You guys have been great about answering questions, and it is apparent that there is lots of knowledge and experience represented here.

In other threads, some have suggested mods for this light and also for a TL-3 incandescent that I would like to purchase soon.

I would really like to do some of this stuff in order to improve performance, but I'm kind of having a hard time getting started because a lot of the info on this board is unfamiliar (to me) model numbers and acronyms.

What is the best way for a newb like me to get started with modding? Is there any suggested reading that would help me to learn the various parts of lights, and how they work together in order to better understand how they can be modified?
Hall, glad to see you have caught the "bug". Guns, and lights, go hand in hand.

I would start here, with a BUNCH of general info, charts, output info, more than I can describe:


Get that TL-3 Incan. It's a bomb.

Regarding mods, the "need" for it is diminishing (not gone), as SO many new, and improved emitters are out.

It used to be, folks would go to a great deal of trouble to upgrade a Luxeon emitter to get 10% improved output, or maybe a slightly better tint.

Now we have the introduction of the Crees, and Soul emmitters that are a quantum leap forward from what we previously had.

I just received a Fenix 1/AAA LOD CRE, and compared it to a friends 3/AA Mag Led 3 watt.. The tiny light blew the Mag away!
Can I sell you a book?

EngrPaul said:
Can I sell you a book?

Great! :lolsign: ... I love the "... while burning your finger" ... :laughing: ... :crackup: ... :thumbsup:
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