Flashlight newb... Intro and questions...


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2008
Hello all... I have been lurking on this forum since... eh... just after christmas. You guys have a wealth of knowledge! I live in northern California (Eureka, Humboldt County) I love to be in the outdoors (camping/hiking)and I also walk my dogs at night a lot, so flashlights have a decent necessity in my life... I am excited to become a part of this community and even more so to glean some knowledge from you guys!

As far as my current goes... I got a SF G2 for christmas and after reading a wealth of posts around here I have since ordered a LF HO-9 lamp and rechargeable 123's.

As far as my question is concerned... I am really thinking about ordering a Fenix T1 and am just curious if it is really gonna be a visible difference from what I already have. If so, can you guys tell me what to expect from it and als give me some other options in that same price range? Thanks aain guys!

*edited for spelling/grammar

What are you looking for in your next light and what will you use it for?

If you are looking at the Fenix T1, I would suggest looking at the Dereelight CL1H. When the new LEDs come out, it would be cheaper and easier to upgrade your light.

If you do get the T1, I'd recommend buying from Fenix Store with the 8% off coupon, "CPF8".

Output should be much more then the G2 with either light. Look at this thread for beamshots of the T1 vs. the CL1H.

Enjoy your stay!
Thank you guys for the warm welcome! I appreciate the info and if anyone has other suggestions and/or more info it will always be welcome!
Sorry that I can't help, since I don't know the output of the LF HO-9 (or did you want us to compare with the SF G2 original setup?).


And watch your wallet!
Welcome to CPF, humboldtflyer!

You can find Lumens Factory D26-series lamp specifications here.

The HO-9 draws 1.55A, which is really pushing RCR123 Li-Ions pretty hard. You will find the cells will not have a very long life at that rate, and the beam might be a bit yellow after a few minutes of run-time.

The SR-9 would be a better bet for RCR123s.
Welcome to CPF, humboldtflyer!

You can find Lumens Factory D26-series lamp specifications here.

The HO-9 draws 1.55A, which is really pushing RCR123 Li-Ions pretty hard. You will find the cells will not have a very long life at that rate, and the beam might be a bit yellow after a few minutes of run-time.

The SR-9 would be a better bet for RCR123s.

Its interesting that you say that because I also ordered an SR-9 along with the HO-9. I was concerned with that very thing. Thank you for the confirmation...

Any other opinions out there about the Fenix T1? Thanks again fellas!