Flashlight + Paracord = "Headlamp" (somewhat)


Apr 19, 2009
Cambridge, MA & Malaysia
Recently, I was wondering how to EDC a headlamp without having to carry around the relatively more bulky headlamp straps, and so I wondered - why not just use some paracord?

Obviously, it's not the best solution - I wouldn't use it in a critical situation unless I had NO other options, and I'm pretty sure someone must have tried it out before, but I can't seem to find anything on it - it's really simple, to be honest.

But here it is: A bowline, two adjustable loops for the lamp, and a taut-line for adjusting the band


Quark AA (which, btw, recently survived a trip in the washing machine):

Liteflux LF2XT:

And hey, while we're at it, why not try wearing a 1500+ lumen M@g09? :D (A 3rd loop may be advisable)


Anyway, kinda random, wasn't sure whether to post it - but if it gives anyone more ideas, that's great! This should also work with things like the Zebralights - just put it in front. It seems secure enough, as long as the knots are done well and pulled tight.

I just carry some extra paracord, and voila - headlamp whenever I need it.

(For full steps, if you're REALLY interested, I wrote them here)

I'm not sure where this thread belonged, but I decided to post this here.. since it involves general flashlights.. as well as headlamps. Mods, feel free to move it if you think it doesn't belong here..
This is a great idea, thanks for sharing!


Mag D headlight...:laughing:
Very nicely done. I've been trying to create something like this, but haven't been this creative. I will definitely try. :thumbsup:
Cool idea - thanks for sharing.

Hmmmm...with that big Mag09 on one side of your melon like that, it's not too practical since your neck muscles will get tired from supporting all that weight. To make it 100% practical, get another M@g09 and strap it to the opposite side of your melon. Voila - totally practical set up...and looks way cool too! :D Yep...put on that arrangement before going to the singles bars and watch the girls come running to you!
Excellent 'boyscout' solution! I'll have to print that out for my troop.
Thanks for all the comments!

Indeed you could always strap a 2nd lamp to the other side - Unfortunately I didn't have another M@g09, although my friend has a Mag 5D... which.. I don't think the band can handle!

But anyway, the Mag09 was just a demonstration of an unpractical usage of this headlamp strap - smaller flashlights work pretty well, and not too uncomfortable either.

Of course, if I was going on a trip which needed a headlamp, I'd try to pack a proper one in the first place :)
LOL!!! CPF pic of the year!!
that would cut off the circulation to my scalp and further recede my hairline.

On a more serious note thats a GREAT way to convert a smaller light to a headlamp. Any 1AAA light would be great for that and not too heavy. One thing I dont like about my zebralight is the headband on my forehead traps sweat. I dont think it would be too hard to string up a ZL like that.
Thanks for sharing. Actually pretty useful as a backup idea for me. There are those times where I am more likely to have 550 cord than have the headlamp (or have the headlamp still functional/non-smashed :rolleyes:) and have a nice helmet to tie it to.
This was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title:crackup:


(No offense intended for your great idea)
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