Flashlight recommendation for Daughter...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
My daughter is leaving on a 7-mos contract on a cruise ship next week and I'd like to give her a reliable EDC-type light. It has to be small enough that she'll take it with her on shore excursions and not leave it in her cabin. UI must be intuitive and simple. I'd prefer AA or AAA power source although since it'll be carried more than used other options might work.

Not looking to spend a fortune but want something she can rely on.

Thanks for the help...
My daughter is leaving on a 7-mos contract on a cruise ship next week and I'd like to give her a reliable EDC-type light. It has to be small enough that she'll take it with her on shore excursions and not leave it in her cabin. UI must be intuitive and simple. I'd prefer AA or AAA power source although since it'll be carried more than used other options might work.

Not looking to spend a fortune but want something she can rely on.

Thanks for the help...

What is your price range? People have varying opinions on what is expensive :).

I would say get an AA light as she will be more likely to carry it due to small size or a AAA(although might not be the brightest).

Selfbuilt did a great thread comparing many AA lights

There is also this thread with some "budget" lights

And this one comparing AAA lights

Hope those help.
Thanks for the info & links. Although nice, the Surefire L1 is too big for her to carry in a small purse. Knowing her, it would sit in her room.

Since I waited so late (too busy arranging other last-minute details), I'll probably be limited to B&M offerings this weekend. I don't want to spend to much based on her track record of destroying digicams and camcorders on prior overseas trips...
My wife carries a standard MiniMag AA with a TerraLux TLE-5 drop in. It's shorter than the Maglite MiniMag LED, which may or may not be a consideration.

At ~50 lumens, it hits the sweet spot of usability vs battery life. Other pluses are drop dead easy user interface, different body colors, and a price point of only 20 bucks or so. I guess if it came down to it, it could be used as sort of a last resort weapon too.

Edit: Just read that the Surefire L1 is too big, so I'm guessing the MiniMag would be as well. How about an Arc AAA? Not as bright, of course, but still gives off a surprisingly useful amount of light.

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Thanks for the info & links. Although nice, the Surefire L1 is too big for her to carry in a small purse. Knowing her, it would sit in her room.

Since I waited so late (too busy arranging other last-minute details), I'll probably be limited to B&M offerings this weekend. I don't want to spend to much based on her track record of destroying digicams and camcorders on prior overseas trips...

That sucks with B&M and limited your choices. At Target the other day I saw a River Rock 1 W 45 lumen light. Was about $20, single AA, seemed waterproof and built well. Was the size of perhaps 5 inches.
The Arc AAA looks like something that would work. I'll see what's available locally. I guess worst case I could give her my Fenix P3D-100RB.
If you really are limited to a local store, the River Rock 1AA 1W Luxeon is simple, bright and reasonable small for a substantially built light. About $23 at Target.
The Inova X1 in either 2nd generation (longer-running but not bright) or the 3rd generation (brighter than the 2nd gen but not as bright as the River Rock) are well built, but the 3rd gen is not as long running. About $20 at Target.
If you order quickly, the LumaPower LM31 from Battery Junction is very nice! $31 minus the CPF discount. They also carry the X1 at a lower price than most local stores.
The Fenix Store also has a wide range of 1xAA and 1xAAA lights with the older luxeon models on discount.
Surefire has been mentioned. May I recommend a Nitrolon flashlight? It may prove a bit big for EDC, but harsh seawater conditions do not play nicely with aluminium flashlights.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, much appreciated. I'll probably give her a light for her cabin and a keychain-like light for EDC. At sea, if she's not in her room or performing she'll undoubtedly be in the bar or club...
Arc AAA :thumbsup: Small, reliable, runs on AAA batteries (for a long, long time...), easy to use, tough finish, can be carried on keys so it is likely to be taken with her...what more could you want? :eek:

I've been quite pleased with the performance of the Inova Bolt 2AA. Decent amount of light (doesn't compete against the CREE's, but it does plenty for close/midrange tasks), solid construction, and AA's should be readily available for her either onboard or at any port of call.

Give her a little keytag photon-type light as well. Always have backup. :twothumbs
i love my streamlight microstream - great warranty - durable -aaa powered and has survived many drops on concrete- small
In my experience, those who don't consider carrying a light a priority will not carry a light that is large or fiddly.

For your situation, as you have correctly identified, that means:
No complex interfaces - no fenixes. For many who are used to push clickies, a twisty is hard enough to get used to.
No odd (ie. CR123) cell sizes.
Maximum durability because these kinds of people do not want to tinker.
Nothing bigger than AAA.
Aesthetics matter: especially for women who consider their looks important.
It has to fit in a purse or on a keyring.

My recommendations are therefore small, durable and simple.

I also would recommend the Arc-AAA as a long running, almost indestructible light. It comes with a split ring with which you can attach the light to a cabin keyring.

Something like a photon freedom would be excellent too. They are durable and small. In fact, given that you can get them in different colours, they are definitely worth a look. You can get waterproof photon freedoms - something that sets them apart from most other keychain lights.

I have had good experiences with gifting photon freedoms, where other lights have failed.
That sucks with B&M and limited your choices. At Target the other day I saw a River Rock 1 W 45 lumen light. Was about $20, single AA, seemed waterproof and built well. Was the size of perhaps 5 inches.

I will most definetly second this amazing little light!! I have two of these myself and they are amazing well built, quality lights. It is very bright and it uses a single double a battery. It's UI is easy enough for my mom to use and she keeps one in her purse. I guarentee that you Daughter will like it and carry it. GO GET ONE because you will not regret it. You will probably even end up getting one for your self. I have also found that it runs very well on energizer e2 lithium, or energizer e2 titanium batts. But so she will carry it I would get the lithium batts so it will be light.Its also perfect purse size, 4 inches. Oh, and it has a simple click on,click off tail switched thats recessed so it can be used like a candle.
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My wife likes the innova x1 - it is small enough, used AA, and bright enough for her needs. $20 at Target.