Flashlight stories


Newly Enlightened
Oct 31, 2003
Curious to hear all of the flashlight stories out there. You know..."...There I was, just me, a smoke filled house, my trustly flashlight and 12 kittens to save..."
Back in the mid-1970s, I was snowmobiling with my dad on the Dan Moller ski trail in Juneau AK. Somewhere around 3rd Cabin (about two miles up the trail), I hit a mogul and the snowmobile (an Arctic Cat 400 I think) crashed into a ditch and the motor quit running. I took my Eveready Big Jim out from under the seat, and used it for signalling purposes. After my dad saw the flashlight beam, he came over and helped me pull the snowmobile out of the ditch. It refired at once, and we both rode back down the trail and back home to our little brown house on Nowell Avenue.

Here's a photograph of an Eveready Big Jim flashlight:

My father had a clone of the Big Jim in the 1970's too. I remember him always using it on camping trips. Yesterday I showed him the QIII I recently purchased. He liked it so much I just had to give it to him along with a half dozen CR123 cells. Since he hasn't kept pace with the flashlight revolution this is a major technological jump for him.
No heroic stories, really, but about a year ago, my wife and I were walking through the neighborhood after dark. An aggressive dog came charging up the sidewalk at us. I lit him up with my Surefire G2 w/120-lumen bulb as he got about 30 feet away, and he quickly changed his tune and backed off.

Just the other night, I used the same light to illuminate the driver of a speeding Ford Expedition who was doing high-speed laps around my block at night. Perhaps he thought I was a cop, but his response was to quickly slow down to a reasonable speed as he passed, and he then left the area.
I responded to a smoke alarm at the apartment complex I used to work for. Small flames over the rangetop and lots'a smoke. Put the fire out, went back to bed.

Oh, yeah, the flashlight: Peli M6 incan (RUUUULZ!!!)
My first chance to impress with a light was in the late 1980's, when I was a paid-on-call-firefighter and sold Stream Lights and fire equipment. My department was happy with their crappy 3D dim M^gs and wouldn't consider buying the much brighter SL's or small (for that era) 2C halogen's for personal carry.

However... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif the Captains would often steal my little 2C SL so they could see through a window on an upper floor or just to see - period. At that time we were expected and trained to crawl and feel our way through smoky, burning, structures at night. I remember being asked why I always carried my light and actually used it. Now things are much different and better lights are the (bright? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif) norm.
There I was. . .

sitting in a boat off the San Diego sea buoy at 9 PM, blacked out. Thermal scope operator calls us and tells us we have a boat inbound to the bay. Since we can't see it, that means it is also running lights out (could be Navy SEALs). We move to intercept and it goes full power away from us. I light it up with a 1 million CP spotlight as we do 25 knots in close pursuit. Sitting on the deck of the boat are about 12 men and women. We chase them back to Mexican waters and call it a night.
Shame you couldn't blow it out of the water...

I don't dislike immigrants. My ancestors immigrated here.

But I can't STAND Illegal immigrants!!! Get here the legal way or don't get here at all!

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