Newly Enlightened
Last week I investigated the burglary of a vacation residence, in which the victim had almost $4000 worth of his property stolen.
The burglar used a screwdriver to access the victim's shed, then retrieved a splitting maul, which he used to bash open the back door of the residence. The burglar then proceeded to literally go through every cabinet and drawer in the victim's home and RV, which was parked in the garage.
The victim told me the power had been turned off to the residence. So, guess what I found while processing evidence? A minimag style bulb, which had burned out, and the burglar changed during the commission of the crime.
Now, I'll be honest about why I'm posting this bit of info. I am a police officer, who is also a passionate supporter of individual gun rights. I take exception, whenever someone tries to blame an inanimate object for the actions of people.
Should we ban flashlights since I have proof one was used in the commission of a serious crime (Burg I is an A Felony here in Oregon)? How about splitting mauls? How about the vehicle the burglar drove to and from the crime?
HR1022, the so called "Law Enforcement Protection Act" is absolute foolishness. It makes it a serious PITA for LEOs to get gear, since we have to get a letterhead to buy full capacity magazines, but even more importantly, it takes away good honest people's ability to protect themselves from evil. I have been to calls where a decent person held a POS at gunpoint, until we got there and arrested the scumbag. I love those calls!
Believe it or not, I'm never that worried about getting shot, but I'm routinely scared sh**less by some idiot who nearly hits me with their car, while I'm doing a traffic stop. Two weeks ago, my partner was hit by some person who wasn't paying attention. Luckily he wasn't hurt (the speed was low) but it scared him none the less.
From the CDC, Death Rates in the US, 2004:
Total Deaths- 2,398,343
Cardiovascular Disease-862,800
Motor Vehicle Related Deaths- 43,947
Drug Induced Deaths- 28,457
Alcohol Related Deaths- 20,398
Accidental Poisoning- 19,250
Falls- 18,535
Medical Complications- 2,889
Accidental Shootings- 661
Homicide w/ a firearm- 11,250
Homicide by other means- 5,360
Almost four times more people died because of car wrecks, than murders with a firearm. Do you honestly think the murder rate would fall that much if the bad guys had to use something besides a gun?
Yes, sometimes bad guys use guns to commit crimes, but there are already laws making this illegal. I, for one, believe the good people with guns vastly outweigh the bad guys with guns. But, if we outlaw certain types of guns, because we think they are scary, only the good people will abide by the law. This would leave the bad guys fully armed.
Don't believe me? Just ask the British and the Australians…
edited to fix a couple spelling errors I missed when I first posted.
The burglar used a screwdriver to access the victim's shed, then retrieved a splitting maul, which he used to bash open the back door of the residence. The burglar then proceeded to literally go through every cabinet and drawer in the victim's home and RV, which was parked in the garage.
The victim told me the power had been turned off to the residence. So, guess what I found while processing evidence? A minimag style bulb, which had burned out, and the burglar changed during the commission of the crime.
Now, I'll be honest about why I'm posting this bit of info. I am a police officer, who is also a passionate supporter of individual gun rights. I take exception, whenever someone tries to blame an inanimate object for the actions of people.
Should we ban flashlights since I have proof one was used in the commission of a serious crime (Burg I is an A Felony here in Oregon)? How about splitting mauls? How about the vehicle the burglar drove to and from the crime?
HR1022, the so called "Law Enforcement Protection Act" is absolute foolishness. It makes it a serious PITA for LEOs to get gear, since we have to get a letterhead to buy full capacity magazines, but even more importantly, it takes away good honest people's ability to protect themselves from evil. I have been to calls where a decent person held a POS at gunpoint, until we got there and arrested the scumbag. I love those calls!
Believe it or not, I'm never that worried about getting shot, but I'm routinely scared sh**less by some idiot who nearly hits me with their car, while I'm doing a traffic stop. Two weeks ago, my partner was hit by some person who wasn't paying attention. Luckily he wasn't hurt (the speed was low) but it scared him none the less.
From the CDC, Death Rates in the US, 2004:
Total Deaths- 2,398,343
Cardiovascular Disease-862,800
Motor Vehicle Related Deaths- 43,947
Drug Induced Deaths- 28,457
Alcohol Related Deaths- 20,398
Accidental Poisoning- 19,250
Falls- 18,535
Medical Complications- 2,889
Accidental Shootings- 661
Homicide w/ a firearm- 11,250
Homicide by other means- 5,360
Almost four times more people died because of car wrecks, than murders with a firearm. Do you honestly think the murder rate would fall that much if the bad guys had to use something besides a gun?
Yes, sometimes bad guys use guns to commit crimes, but there are already laws making this illegal. I, for one, believe the good people with guns vastly outweigh the bad guys with guns. But, if we outlaw certain types of guns, because we think they are scary, only the good people will abide by the law. This would leave the bad guys fully armed.
Don't believe me? Just ask the British and the Australians…
edited to fix a couple spelling errors I missed when I first posted.

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