For Those Who Have Experience With The KROMA and the Upcoming Surefire Crees.....or..


Mar 3, 2005
Nashville, TN
Paging Dr. Size 15s, paging Dr. Size 15s. :D

Is the optic used in the Kroma and subsequent beam shape similar to the beams of the upcoming Surefires?

I'm not an expert, but I heard from one of your listed persons that it is the same or very very similar.
Nice beam in my opinion.
Re: For Those Who Have Experience With The KROMA and the Upcoming Surefire Crees.....or..

What kind of beam does the optic in the Kroma produce? I've never seen one in person. I am familiar with the KL1's though.
Re: For Those Who Have Experience With The KROMA and the Upcoming Surefire Crees.....or..

FAAbUlights said:
What kind of beam does the optic in the Kroma produce? I've never seen one in person. I am familiar with the KL1's though.
The KROMA's TIR Optic is nothing like the KL1, the KL1 is pretty much a square beam with no spill. The KROMA's TIR has a nice spot with moderate side spill. Look for KROMA threads for beamshots. I love my KROMA, thats for sure, and I'm not even a fan of optics.
Re: For Those Who Have Experience With The KROMA and the Upcoming Surefire Crees.....or..

The Kroma with Seoul U bin P4's are going to be the cat's meow. I sold mine since my other lights kicked its butt in the output department. Heck, even a cheap 2AA Minimag with a BB400 and Seoul was brighter.

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