Found a cool, cheap 1aaa light

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Newly Enlightened
Apr 15, 2006
Hi all, i found a pretty cool 1aaa light on sale at REI.

Nichia LED, regulated and nicely made for a few bucks, anyone who doesn't own a 1 aaa should consider it! Its about twice as bright as my photon freedom, or similar to my lod-ce on low. Also claims a runtime of 3.5 hours. I'm quite pleased with it.
Cooler is not to bad. Its a little blue in the hot spot, and a little warmer in the spill. It does has an attachent on the back for a lanyard.
How is it size wise? The biggest complaint I have with most AAA lights is that they are basically the same size as AA lights. I love a nice tiny AAA light, like the old Solitare and now the L0PSE which I have replaced my EDC solitare with now.
The website lists:
Dimensions 2.6 x 1.2 x .75 inches
Which are bogus with no explanation.:(

3/4" diameter is way to big, much less 1.2".
I bought a Gerber Tempo at REI for my wife and it became intermittant during the first week. Cleaning and lubing didn't fix the problem so I returned it. When it worked, it was dimmer than a Gerber Inifity Ultra and not made as well. Drew lots of current so battery life was short.

There are a few threads on CPF about the Gerber Tempo. You can search for them.
for cheap 1AAA lights...I still stick with dorcy [1AAA] or fenix [E0]....nothing against Gerber...but I would prefer to invest in something that has already been reviewed on the forum:shrug:
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