Freedom Battery Cap Quotes


Newly Enlightened
May 16, 2007
Hey, It was just brought to my attention on another thread (by vortechs) that on the back of Photon Freedom battery covers there are different quotes. I have two right now, one says Freedom of Speach, the other Freedom of Assembly. They both say "Be safe, always carry a Photon Microlight." around the edge. (lol, this just reminded me of the snaple "true facts" under the cap, I always read those)

Is there a list of all the quotes out there, if not, lets make one now. I'm a succker for trivia stuff like this, so what does yours say? :popcorn:
Great thread.

Mine sez:

Death to cheap fauxtons

So does anyone have a Photon that references one of the other Amendments? Speech, assembly, and religion are all under the First, and "thought" is a pretty general one that isn't explicitly referenced in the Bill of Rights (unlike the others so far mentioned in the thread).
Hey, I was searching on photon's message board and found a clue. I think all the quotes are written on Freedom's box on the inside of the flap that you open. TOTC, they are not just a list from the Bill of Rights like I figured when I looked at mine. I don't know how they picked them, but they read:

1) Freedom of Choice
2) Freedom of Thought
3) Freedom of Speech
4) Freedom is our Destiny
5) Freedom of Expression
6) Freedom of Assembly
7) Freedom of Religion
8) No security is worth a loss of Freedom

I don't know for sure that they print all of these- especially that last one seems a little long! I think it would be cool if we can find them all!

So far we have 4 of the 8:
Speech & Assemly- mine
Religion- jc28841
Thought- Archangel
I only have the old first generation squeeze versions. I opened up 3 of mine (including a UV) and they all say "Let Your Light Shine". I assume all of this version say the same thing?
Just checked all...six of mine...

Freedom of Thought (Times three)
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Assembly
I've got one of the painted yellow Doug Ritter Freedoms. On the inside of the battery cover it had the Freedom of Thought.

A bit off topic: is there an easier way to pop those covers. I use a tiny screwdriver to lever it up. Can't avoid buggering up the plastic.