Fresnel Lens for HID recomendations


Newly Enlightened
Oct 5, 2007
Hi ... i am new here, my first post

I have one of those cheap Cyclops Thor looking lights i bought from Canadian Tire Store for 29$ for shits and giggles and it was all fine and dandy till i took it appart and seen the 100W H4 bulb than desided to go looking for somethign with more bite.


Local automotive places do not have the 100W+ bulbs cause they are illigal so i desided i was going to dish out the mula for some H4 HID kit from China (100$ for a set of two). Was able to stuff the balast inside the flashlight housing.


@ 35W consumption i get more minutes out of the battery ( 30min vs 20min ) and i am not sure if the light is more powerful, would have to test it side by side ... but is it cool ?!? YEAHHH !!!

I had to remove the regular bulb ( low beam ) from the HID bulb because it cause the HID to flicker ( well, turn on and off rapidly ) and there i am not sure if the HID bulb can push out more power because i have two power settings on and it trips the fuse when i try to put it full blast.

I also got a fresnel lens for it ... thinking it would concentrate the light into a long beam, it does concentrate the light to about 40cm, but than gives me a dead spot in the center at any further distance.

Is there any other type of fresnel lenses outthere that are formulated to throw a long beam out ?

I want more, more power, mor life ... here to read some posts and post mroe questions later.
Hi Kaos,

Welcome to these forums..

Many CPF-members modify lights, when you look at the archives, you can find lots of info about big HID-mods..

These are a few of mine!!: My 45/65watt HID Platinum Thor-mod: (the one at the left!)


And Maxablaster from above..


And Maxablaster (right) with the original 15Mcp Cyclops Platinum Thor (left):

If you have remaining questions, feel free to ask..


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