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Sold/Expired FS: B&W Blocky Boy


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 17, 2003
western Massachusetts

This came about due to a defect in the black anodizing--a little masking compound wasn't cleaned up before the anodizing, so there was a flaw in the surface near where the bodies screw together. I considered stripping it down to bare AL and polishing it, but then I got lazy and decided to machine off the defect, plus the end segments for a little color balance. :devil:

This baby, while very bright, will get quite warm if used for any extended time; best for short duration uses. Like blinding your colleagues. :D


HAIII Black Anodized and machined bare 6061AL
GD1000 driver with a Seoul USW0H P4 emitter
2mm thick mineral glass lens, beveled and polished
O-ring sealed
Stippled Khatod reflector
Use either primary or rechargeable CR123s
Primary battery included
Split ring for lanyard, allows tail standing use

PRICE: $175.00

Postpaid via First Class Mail to the U.S., foreign orders please add $2 per order. Orders for $30 or over sent with Delivery Confirmation (U.S. only). For insurance or other mail service, please PM.

PayPal cash to: PayCashPal (at) photonfanatic.com
PayPal with credit card to: fanatic (at) photonfanatic.com

Since PayPal often does not forward your payment details, please send an e-mail to the link in my signature detailing what you are ordering.


P.S.: I hope I don't really need this disclaimer, but the first to post an, "I'll take it.", gets it.
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That is really striking! are the Alum bands polished or matte can't tell for sure from photo.

The daylight was a little too much, so the details are blocked out, but the finish is as machined, sort of a matte appearance. Could be polished to really make them shine though.
Sure, Carl--I'll be glad to polish the bare AL segments. Thanks for buying it.

I may regret selling it after all, although I have some reworked black ano bodies coming back from the anodizer one of these days and I may be tempted to do the same to one of them.
COMENT DELETED Sorry about the comment DM51.It was meant to be funny(the chocolate his daughter made was top notch)meaning we were lucky to get one with are BB order and to receive a whole box with this sale is super lucky!!.I myself have a blocky boy and the work is outstanding.I was just making a joke!:grin2:

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This came about due to a defect in the black anodizing--a little masking compound wasn't cleaned up before the anodizing, so there was a flaw in the surface near where the bodies screw together. I considered stripping it down to bare AL and polishing it, but then I got lazy and decided to machine off the defect, plus the end segments for a little color balance. :devil:

This is the nicest looking one of these I've ever seen! Great call on the machining PhotonFanatic.

Congrats olrac.....it's worth every cent. :)
Thanks Patriot36, I can't wait to see this one in hand! And in the next week or two a Luce de Notte as well! It doesn't get better!:twothumbs