Funny flashlight experiences - Tell here!


Jun 12, 2006
Central Europe
My office is in the 30. floor of a modern building. The long corridors as well as the washrooms are lightened with motion sensors. It was late evening and I was apparently the last one at work. Suddenly I had stomach pains and felt a intensive necessity. I went out into the corridor. No light. I jumped around, a waggled with my arms - nothing. Back into the office I picked my NovaTac 120P out of my briefcase, fired up and ran the long way to the washroom. The motion sensored lightning did not work there, too. In the lavatory cabin I placed my flashlight tailstanding on the flushing chest.
Voila' - That saved my evening in the very last moment. :D

The building I used to work at use motion sensor in bathrooms, so if you take a dump lights will go off less than halfway through, and wailing arms around may or may not work.

Keychain light is very useful.
Ok, now this is pretty bad but I was at work about a month ago and I work security at a hospital. My Tigerlight I did not bring that night and my Pelican 7060 finally went dead half way threw the night and I did not have the charger with me.

So I moved on to my A2 and it was out of juice also. So I threw in two new SF cells in the A2 and then went to my trusty locker. Lucky for me I had a few goodies in there.

I had the following choices for another light out of my locker:
1. Wolf Eyes Sniper
2. SF G2 LED
3. SL Propolymer AA LED
4. Fenix P3D
5. SL TL-3
6. SF L4

Needless to say I picked up the SF L4 and got back to work. Reason I say it is bad is cause I have so many light and my main ones went out. Walking threw the ER to get to my office nurses where like "What's the hurry"? My answer "All my flashlights are dead"!

They got a kick out of that since I'm the guy everyone at work can turn to for light.
Years before I was a flashaholic, I was working for a very large company that shall remain nameless. However, we had just switched over from private utility power to public, and things had not gone smoothly.

So, I'm in a 250,000 square foot facility, roughly the center. In the washroom, sitting on a porcelain throne. BOOOM! The building shakes and the lights go out. Backup generators do not work. There are no battery powered emergency lights because, duh, we have backup generators.

A transformer in our substation had exploded.

Pitch black does not describe it. Even after 15 minutes you couldn't see because there simply was no light.

30 minutes later, a guard comes long with a mini-Maglight to get us out of there. Nice. I was never without a flashlight again!
so there i am, mindin' my own buisness, casually aquiring another new and un-necessary flashlight here and there,not thinking anything of it, when for some reason i google something (don't recall what) and stumble across this very forum, and was confronted with the vaguely disturbing truth that i had more than merely a casual interest,i had a diagnosable problem,and not only that, there were thousands of us, hunnerds even, yet somehow that realization brought some perspective,made it all OK, so OK in fact, that in the past few weeks i bought even more un-necessary,not to mention higher-end,lights at an even more alarming rate, accumulating 2 surefires, two fenix's, and a streamlight, totalling hunnerds O' dollars, and am actively researching other surefires, & streamilghts,plus dereelights & inovas with the intent of purchasing them all in the next couple weeks. now i realize that wasn't so much HAHA funny as just odd-ball funny, but you didn't specify. and i think i'm in firmly in contention for run-on sentence of the week.:D
Back then ... I raved about the brightness of my new SF U2 ... every night the beautiful beam would be the last thing I saw before going to sleep ... and oh it was bright. Until someday I used my McLuxIII-PD with a LuxIII at 500mA ... and it was brighter than my U2 :eek:oo:
The emitter was melting in the U2 and slowly dying ... I did not even realize it for days. Talk about perception and seeing what one wants to see. :sick2:
After that ... I was emitter-paranoid for a time ... always checking ... lux-metering ... you get it.

My wife said this was a just punishment for waking her up with Level6 each time I went to bed ... :D

4:30 a.m on a dark country road and I'm doing a pre-dawn patrol training run. Petzl Myo on high on my head and a backup Gerber TX 3.0 tactical in my left hand at the ready but off. Under a faint streetlight up ahead I see somebody standing in the middle of the road. What the F? He is kinda shifting around but not doing anything, just standing there. Danger Will Robinson, Danger! My free right hand drops for the pepper spray and I decide a good offense is in order. I dramatically pick up my pace to above a sprint. So what this guy is seeing from his view is a bobbing light more than 6 feet off the ground and closing very fast from the dark end of the road. As I come blasting past him he falls backwards and says "Ohhhhhh, I like that!"

I'm glad I could put on a good show for him..... :).
Experience wasn't mine... I just witnessed some suffering...

OK... I am in Red Cross first aid group...

Today one ambulance nurse (EMT?) wanted to use my flashlight...

For what? for checking patients eyes...

BTW... G2 is about the same size as basic Minimag...
And my G2 has DX Seoul drop-in...

Ok... I realized just few seconds too late what was happening.
Center of the beam straight to patients retinas.

What was good? They took the patient to hospital :) Abnormal pupil reaction ??? :D

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