My wife and all of her female co-workers love to tell stories about the stupid things their husbands do. Amazingly, I usually come out smelling like roses in the comparisons!
However, all the women think my flashlight collecting hobby is hillarious and pretty nerdy (which is probably is, but I don't care!).
So the other day I had a half day off from work and decided to take my wife out to lunch. When I picked her up at the office, one of her firends asked how many flashlights I had on me.
I told her 2 lights. I was 100% certain I had 2 lights on me. She asked to see them so I pulled out my keychain with LOD on it and my little X1 I was fideting with at the time. By now, all of the girls were watching as I kept remembering that I had "just one other one" on me. After a minute of searching all of my pockets, it turned out I actually had 8 flashlights on me! 8!
Ever seen that stupid video where some government guy is showing how easy it is to conceal guns and he pulls about 25 guns out of his suit. That's how silly I probably looked. I had the LOD, Inova X1, River Rock 1xAA, a little Coast Lenser, my modded SF G2, Fenix EO, and a pair of Inova Microlights.
If there's ever an Olympic medal for eye-rolling, my wife will be bringing home an awful lot of gold!
I think next time I visit her up there I'll hide a Mag 6D in my jacket just to drive her nuts. Come to think of it, I always wanted a scabbard that fits on my back for it, like the ones the ninjas have to hold a sword.
Anybody else ever had 400% more lights on you that you though you did?
However, all the women think my flashlight collecting hobby is hillarious and pretty nerdy (which is probably is, but I don't care!).
So the other day I had a half day off from work and decided to take my wife out to lunch. When I picked her up at the office, one of her firends asked how many flashlights I had on me.
I told her 2 lights. I was 100% certain I had 2 lights on me. She asked to see them so I pulled out my keychain with LOD on it and my little X1 I was fideting with at the time. By now, all of the girls were watching as I kept remembering that I had "just one other one" on me. After a minute of searching all of my pockets, it turned out I actually had 8 flashlights on me! 8!
Ever seen that stupid video where some government guy is showing how easy it is to conceal guns and he pulls about 25 guns out of his suit. That's how silly I probably looked. I had the LOD, Inova X1, River Rock 1xAA, a little Coast Lenser, my modded SF G2, Fenix EO, and a pair of Inova Microlights.
If there's ever an Olympic medal for eye-rolling, my wife will be bringing home an awful lot of gold!
I think next time I visit her up there I'll hide a Mag 6D in my jacket just to drive her nuts. Come to think of it, I always wanted a scabbard that fits on my back for it, like the ones the ninjas have to hold a sword.
Anybody else ever had 400% more lights on you that you though you did?