G&P xenon 9V vs Ultrafire C2 Cree......for throw?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 3, 2006
Hello guys!
Which of the two flashlights (unmoded) is the best on throw? Runtime don't care.
Thanks for answers!
Usually, incands will out-throw LEDs. In this case, the Xenon WILL out-throw the Cree, especially if you power the Xenon with 2x17500 rechargeables.

If you are really looking for a few LED lights that can out-throw incands, then look at this thread.
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i am sure that G&P will win. Ultrafire C2 is not the strongest thrower in LED IMHO eve WF-400 will beat it easily. Compared it to WF-600 or WF-800 then i am not sure.