Exciting isn't it!
The main reason for this somewhat early released hotwire is cost. $3.50 per bulb is alot less than what have paid for some other recent released mods.
14.2v at the pins in kiu socket powered at the bench, measured by Fluke DMM vbulb are all the measurements listed below.
It is a G4 bi-pin halogen with 8.86mm diameter, reasonable priced can afford to work it up and play around.
I got 5A reading from my analog, someone else measured 7A. My analog moto AC, CC bench supply may be out of calibration but measuring the vbulb with Fluke DMM should be fairly accurate. So, the bulb is still in the workup stage.
Considering the recent advances in thermal management, running 9A bulbs in bipin adaptors utilizing said management techs, pedistals are not melting so I'm not planning on using anything else.
Mag switches will be as effective as modded. To run 9A with moded stock switch reducing resistance and at the same time reducing amount of heat produced not only increases vbulb but doesn't melt down the plastic switch.
I like batteries that don't sag much and have flat discharge curves so have switched over most of my mods to run on A123's or Emolis. Because of the flat discharge curve only need a $1 NTC to bring down overhead voltage to meet bulbs specs. Such as 5761 with 2x emoli + NTC 8.2-3vbat and 6.9vbulb.
4x Emoli = 16.8vbat fresh charge, 14.8v nominal will work with NTC and post the results. 4 Emoli fit in 5C
M@g form which I like. 4xA123=14.4vbat fresh charge, 13.2v nominal again will fit in 5C.
12 subC's don't know, sounds large. I did 4px5s 18650 can fit in FM elephant with extension. 20 18650 could fit, I stoped somewhat short of 20
So if you want run time, emoli or A123 will give you I think the smallest form factor. 4x emoli fit 5C mod with 26700mah and say 7A is 7000/26700x60=22.8min run. What size would be needed for Ni Mh of same run time? At least 3D, tri maybe quad bore, which is same length as 4C.
Where to get them? Ask AW for the chinese mystery bulb as it has become affectionately know.
happy modding jim
Whoa... seriously? 14.2V @ a current draw slightly higher than 5A gave you more than 8000 bulb-lumens? Good HEAVENS! Well, where to begin...
What bulb is it?
What did you get it?
How much did it cost?
Do you have any idea what bulb life would be at that drive level?
What is the diameter of the bulb?
How much heat does it give off? - is this a drop-in with a bi-pin adapter kind of thing or will it melt the stock mag switch?
Looks like I need to figure out how to gracefully fit 12 NiMH batts together.... does FM have 12AA holders/hosts available right now? That should fit in a bored 3D mag. Of course, it would be nice to use 12 SubCs for higher capacity, wonder how hard it would be to design a light that would hold that...?