Gas station totally lit by LEDs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 1, 2007
SW Ohio
The gas station / "quicky mart" opened 1-1/2 years ago and all outdoor lighting are LEDs. Fueling canopy, pole lighting around the perimeter of the property and the soffit lighting on the building are all LED. When I was fueling, I got a shot of the fixture used under the canopy. It uses 60 LEDs. Seems to be using 20 unit strips. This is as close as my camera will zoom in. Not sure on the LEDs in use here.

Then lit they are really cool white, although colors seem okay under them.

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Interesting...a few weeks ago I stopped for gas and noticed
the canopy was also completely converter to LED lighting. I
did not have a decent camera at the time, but will try to get
pictures next time. It is a bit away from my usual area of

For anyone in the Ottawa (Ont.) area who wants to have
a look, it is the Pioneer station on St. Joseph Blvd. in the east

All the 7-Elevens in Las Vegas are like this, at least in my area (northwest corner of town). I'd posted about it in a thread on street lights, but only now realize I'd promised to get some shots and forgot about it :oops: -- thanks JohnR66!
General Mitchell in Milwaukee has been implementing those panels.

They are really white. Leaning towards blue.