Gene Malkoff Going at it Full Time w/New Additions


Newly Enlightened
Oct 3, 2003
The new drop-ins that you have scheduled for December look very promising.

Q5 WG binned Crees for the M60 Output will be 220+ lumens for approx 2 hrs

Low output version of 130 lumens for 6 hrs on 2 primary CR123's

Best of Luck Gene in your NEW full time job.

You make a great product!
Yep, Just received his e-mail. Looks to be good news for everyone.

I like the Low output version of 130 lumens for 6 hrs on 2 primary CR123's!!

Good luck Gene..
these new options coming out sound good. i would also be interested in the 130/6
Yes, I got an email too. This is good news for those who have been waiting for Malkoff drop ins. Lets try to endorse Gene's products to other "unenlightened" friends or relatives of ours, so he will not run out of customers. :twothumbs
Whats a good, reliable and inexpensive body to drop these in? Would any of them have a hi and low option?

there are only two body options for his dropin depending on your choice of drop in. one is the maglite ( c or d) the other one is the surefire (6p, 9p, c2, c3, z2, g2 series)

In maglites you can only have upto 6 volts with his drop in so that's around 4 cells (d or c)

with surefire, I think it's 9 volts. so 3 3volts cells will work.
I just went to his site and read "the story"...:tinfoil:

Heck, I'd send money to this guy without a second thought about it... "CPF member recommended" or not! :thumbsup:
Yeah, I have the latest Q4 M60 in a 9P and it works great. I can't wait for the Q5 version, though!
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the support! It was an agonizing decision. Back when I was young and had no dependents, I would have pulled it as a no brainer, but now whew!

I just sent an email to Gene and Cathy and I hope everyone else who has one or more of Gene's wonderful drop-ins continue to support him. As stated above. With better availability, I see cool, unique birthday, Christmas, and special thank you gifts for friends and family.

If you consider your time, effort, and materials you may or may not use to built anything close to what Gene does, it just makes more sense to get a top quality product that is worth every penny in realiability and confidence. That's why my first drop-in went to the wife....ok, not, she is getting the second on once I use that Duracoat stuff for a pretty lanvender M@glight!!

Bob E.
Excellent stuff Gene! You make an excellent, highly sort after product!!! There will be alot of people after your products and long may this continue! Best of luck!