Get the Fenix L2D Q5 now or wait?


Newly Enlightened
May 21, 2008

After reading many reviews and posts here in the forum, I realized that the Fenix L2D Q5 Cree Premium is the affordable flashlight of choice.
Even though it is way above my budget, I decided to invest the money while realizing that no matter what flashlight I will get, I will always regret not purchasing the L2D Q5...

My question is the following:

knowing that the Fenix L2D Q5 has been out for some time now, is it smart to buy it now? I'm someone who is planning on purchasing one good single flashlight and not doing upgrades in the near future.

Is it better to wait few more months for a possible upgrade to the L2D Q5 model? Maybe the Fenix E20? It would be a big bummer for me to spend $65 and having a better flashlight come out within the next month (I realize that technology advances, but I still believe it is possible to have a device that can be considered "fresh" (ie Motorola Razr)).

I don't want to end up with the scenario of purchasing a state of the art CRT TV while knowing that Plasma/HDTV is the next big thing.. :hairpull:

Advice would be helpful.

I believe the Fenix P3D-CE, is a much better choice. :thumbsup:
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Great question Scorcher!

I have recently given away my favorites the fenix t10 and an

Olive Drab P2 Q5 and am anxious to replace them.

I haven't yet because Lighthound is out of the od p2!
There will always be newer and better lights, but the better part is usual very small i.e. your need the two flashlights beside each other to see the difference.

Your can not really compare the E20 and L2D, the E20 is a single level flashlight where the L2D is a multi level flashlight.

If your are worried about new better lights, just stay away from CPF, then your will newer know:crackup:
I was on the almost exactly same quest as you a couple of years ago and bought a Fenix L2P after joining CPF. A half year later they released the LxT, and a year or so later the L2D(which I couldn't resist due to the cree).
My point is, if you want to buy the ultimate light, buy it now and then never look back or come back here. There will always be better lights round the corner. :grin2:

About the L2D, it's a great light and you could hardly go wrong. Fenix hasn't released a new AA-light (except for the E20 which is a single mode budget light) for a loooooooong time (well, everything is relative) so you could suspect that they would be releasing something soon. But IMHO it's no point waiting.
If there isn't something that you don't like about the L2D(minor annoyances for me would be the lack of forward momentary or that you switch modes by tapping the clicky, I prefer that the light doesnt change function when you press the clicky) there is no reason not to buy it now.
There will always be brighter emitters out, but the real life difference isn't that big between bins.

Another interesting 2AA light in the same pricerange is Olights T25 models (there are 2 models, regular and tactical).

Another thing you might want to consider if you buy the Fenix L2D is to buy the 1AA body too, then you'll get the Fenix L1D at a very low cost.

Cheers and good luck!
The L2D Q5 is the very first "great" light I bought. It's going to be a very important light in my toolbox for a very long time.

I highly suggest you buy it if you need it. Waiting is suffering.

Even if someone were to announce a new light, you have to wait to pre-order, and then wait for any bugs to get worked out in the initial release, and then wait to get your light. It'll be a long time.

Just buy it and use it, is my advice.
Just go for it! If an R2 version comes out soon you won't be gaining very much. The L2D is a smashing light!

You never know what is around the corner and there may be nothing for some time or tomorrow there could be a very significant new product release.
I use CR123 lights for my earthquake/emergency kits for the long battery shelf life, and the last ones I bought were the old Streamlight TwinTask single CR123, as they had long life on LED and bright output on xenon (for the time, anyway).

They were quite the cutting edge, and are now totally obsolete (though they still work fine). Anyway, when I buy for the kits, I buy what seems like the best bet, and keep them for many years. I buy other stuff to play with in between, but the emergency kits get good quality and value.

I recently bought a P2D used and carried it for a while, then decided on the P2D/P3D series for my new emergency lights. It's a great light - pretty close to perfect for an emergency/EDC light, IMO. They're expensive when you need 6 or 8 of them, so I watch the marketplace for good deals on clean used ones. I'm about halfway there on replacing them, but regardless of what new models come out, I've got a great set of lights that will cover most emergency situations. I'll look again in 5 years.

My advice - go for it!
I am a huge fan of 2AA flashlights. The Fenix L2D CE Q5 is an OUTSTANDING product for what, 60 bucks?

Well built, very bright, regulated, and multiple outputs that are easy to figure out.

I use Sanyo Eneloops and can use alkalines, NiCd, or Energizer lithium if needed or desired. Think of the flexibility that gives you, anywhere in the world.

You will not regret owning this light.

After reading many reviews and posts here in the forum, I realized that the Fenix L2D Q5 Cree Premium is the affordable flashlight of choice.

Advice would be helpful.


While the L2D Q5 as an excellent product in the AA-form, I wouldn't acclaim it as the "affordable flashlight of choice".

Having owned both the L2D Q5 and the NiteCore D10, my personal opinion is that the L2D Q5 is a product that exceeded my needs, while the D10 is a product that reshaped my needs.

I'd offer you the following test: Which painting would you rather own, a Van Gogh or a Rembrandt? If you're the inventive/imaginative type, then go with the D10. If you're the type that appreciates a masterpiece, then go with the L2D Q5.

And if you're the technical type enamoured with efficiency, then you might want to consider the EX10. :faint:
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I say go for it. The next BIG advancement in Cree emitters is the multi-die, which will most likely need something bigger than a CR123/AA to really capitalize on its potential... negating it as a pocket EDC. There does not appear to be anything new on the near-horizon for single die emitters, outside of brighter BINs, which is not a substantial enough reason to hold out for now.

^^^100% speculation, please correct me if I am wrong^^^
The L2D Q5 is the very first "great" light I bought. It's going to be a very important light in my toolbox for a very long time.

I highly suggest you buy it if you need it. Waiting is suffering.

Even if someone were to announce a new light, you have to wait to pre-order, and then wait for any bugs to get worked out in the initial release, and then wait to get your light. It'll be a long time.

Just buy it and use it, is my advice.


Start enjoying it. It's proven quality. You know what the light can do. There will be better lights, but you should stop looking for slight improvements like 10 Lumen more. Mostly these differences are either marginal or questionable.

Maybe in a year's time there will be a good AA P7 light without bugs. That will be your next light.

My $0.02

IMO the L2D Q5 is a classic light, and will remain so for a very long time. Sure, the L2D R2 might come out soon, but I doubt it's enough of an increase (as the previous jump was P4 to Q5, I'd expect Q5 to R4 or similar), and even when it's redundant, it won't be bad.
Get it now and reap the benefits of ownership. ;)

Don't get caught up in the trap of the "better things on the horizon" mentality -- and I don't say that condescendingly or with lack of understanding, because most all of us feel the same dilemma at some time or other with some technology or other, and that includes me. It's the same way with all technology, and more often than not it's better to jump in rather than wait. Worst case, if something you want more comes along...sell the L2D for most of what you invested in it and put the money toward that next light. In the mean time, you'll be able to use it and enjoy it. :)

Another consideration is the user interface. If you don't like SOS and strobe modes, the L2T is a good option. It has a simpler interface and a lower cost. The Q2 bin LED is no slouch.
I am in a similiar position. After the last 3weeks I've pretty much settled on the L2D CE Q5, but I am yet to order.

The Nitecore D10 may still be a possibility, but I think I prefer the length of the 2xAA torches going by my Mini Maglite.

Unfortunately the budget doesn't allow everything.
Curse these confounded forums, and the endless options.
Thank you all for the replies.
I'm 90% sure I will go for the Fenix L2D Q5.

Make it 100% and Go For It!! Yes- there will be newer lights soon. They will be "better" only beause they are brighter, however- and if it is the new r2, the differece may not be enough to tell- unless they are side by side. As another poster said, the Tactical series of this light, (Q2) is "outdated," but is still a favorite with many of us. Durable, more than bright enough.

Fenix L2D Q5!!!!:twothumbs It rocks now, and it will still rock Tomorrow!!
I went with the L2D Q5 and E01. They are just great lights. I have just got back from a weekend on the AT and they didn't let me down. If something should come out better for the same price in 2 AA I could care less. The L2D Q5 can toss out a whole bucket load of light and runs forever. If something better came out would this effect my light? I would still be able to turn my little patch of woods from night into day.
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