girlfriend trying to save me money=free torch


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2008
I told my girlfriend that i nearly bought this torch online last night (Nitecore EX10) she had a go at me for just trying to waste my money again so she came up with the idea of buying the torch for me if i cleaned her car, it is an absolute mess, so it was agreed ill wash her car in return of a brand spanking new torch. im so excited:grin2:

So i've been thinking do i really want the EX10 or do i want something with more throw like the TK10, i dont really want to go into lithuim cells other than primaries quite yet maybe down the line a bit or even the Tiable A9 i'v heard they are similair.

Probably the brightest light i have at the moment is a P3D but i would like something smaller but not lacking in the brightness department which is why i really like the idea of the nitecore.

I also like the L2D but that would mean buying Nimh AA, i really think i should just stick to 123A and RCR123 once i've saved for the charger etc, yes dear more money.

What would you suggest it would be great to own a lumen throwing monster at this point in time but i really want the EX10.

Can anyone suggest a big bright light under 70 dollars and a small 123A light, and how about the TK10 im not a heavy user so primaries would be fine but does that skimp on brightness:D
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You might also want to take a look at the Nightcore Extreme Infinity. It packs quite a punch for such a small light, and runs on CR123's.

As for the TK10 it's a great light and it was my first real flashlight purchase and the reason I'm now hooked on lights.
Are you kidding? "Honey mow the lawn and run down to the grocery for me, and I'll buy you that new Polarion PH50 you've been wanting" is like a dream come true.:twothumbs

Given that you have a P3D, I'd suggest that you pick up an EX10.

Because of its diminutive size, you can carry it all of the time. You'll find it handy, you'll find it rewarding to master the User Interface, you'll appreciate its fine engineering, and it will change the way you think about lights.

After using the EX10 for a while, I think you'll find that you have more uses for the lowest low than you could have imagined. At first, you'll some of the lower ranges more out of curiosity than anything else. As you use them, you'll find that you like them! You'll find that instead of pushing the darkness away with a wall of light, that you can slip by with comfortable glow that embraces the darkness.

I think that you'll find the EX10 will complement the use of your P3D nicely. Not in terms of a bigger, brighter, longer lasting torch; but as an everyday light that fills in for all the situations that you presently wouldn't or couldn't use the P3D. I think that you'll find them a match made in heaven. :laughing:
I told my girlfriend that i nearly bought this torch online last night (Nitecore EX10) she had a go at me for just trying to waste my money again so she came up with the idea of buying the torch for me if i cleaned her car, it is an absolute mess, so it was agreed ill wash her car in return of a brand spanking new torch. im so excited:grin2:
Are you kidding?! If my gf gave me a light every time I did some house work, 1. I'd be cleaning all the time and 2. I'd marry her right away. :devil:

...So i've been thinking do i really want the EX10 or do i want something with more throw like the TK10, i dont really want to go into lithuim cells other than primaries quite yet maybe down the line a bit or even the Tiable A9 i'v heard they are similair.

Probably the brightest light i have at the moment is a P3D but i would like something smaller but not lacking in the brightness department which is why i really like the idea of the nitecore.

I also like the L2D but that would mean buying Nimh AA, i really think i should just stick to 123A and RCR123 once i've saved for the charger etc, yes dear more money.

What would you suggest it would be great to own a lumen throwing monster at this point in time but i really want the EX10.

Can anyone suggest a big bright light under 70 dollars and a small 123A light, and how about the TK10 im not a heavy user so primaries would be fine but does that skimp on brightness:D
I just got my EX10 and it's a great little light, the knurling is really clean and the PD / UI is very cool. Compared to my P2D-Q5, the EX10 is just a wee bit smaller but the P2D is actually a bit brighter.

However, if you like the PD UI, with the ramping, memory, ramping of light levels, and are set on the EX10, then I would say go for it. If you're looking for a mini-thrower, you should take a look at the JetBeam Jet-II IBS ($69) or the NiteCore Extreme ($88) which are both 1xCR123 lights although the Extreme is a bit more than your $70 budget. Just my $0.02.

You should check out selfbuilt's great reviews on 1xCR123 lights here and here.

You also mentioned the TK10 but that would obviously take you along another path and would obviously throw more than the 1xCR123 lights - some of those lights will also blow your budget as well... so you will have to decide if you want a small EDC light that packs a punch or more of a thrower light such as the TK10, A8, A9, MRV, DBS, Raidfire Spear, etc. Check out the Thrower review here.
I told my girlfriend that i nearly bought this torch online last night (Nitecore EX10) she had a go at me for just trying to waste my money again so she came up with the idea of buying the torch for me if i cleaned her car, it is an absolute mess, so it was agreed ill wash her car in return of a brand spanking new torch. im so excited:grin2:

So i've been thinking do i really want the EX10 or do i want something with more throw like the TK10, i dont really want to go into lithuim cells other than primaries quite yet maybe down the line a bit or even the Tiable A9 i'v heard they are similair.

Probably the brightest light i have at the moment is a P3D but i would like something smaller but not lacking in the brightness department which is why i really like the idea of the nitecore.

I also like the L2D but that would mean buying Nimh AA, i really think i should just stick to 123A and RCR123 once i've saved for the charger etc, yes dear more money.

What would you suggest it would be great to own a lumen throwing monster at this point in time but i really want the EX10.

Can anyone suggest a big bright light under 70 dollars and a small 123A light, and how about the TK10 im not a heavy user so primaries would be fine but does that skimp on brightness:D

Must find british girl, make buy ryan flashlights...:duh2:
Are you kidding? "Honey mow the lawn and run down to the grocery for me, and I'll buy you that new Polarion PH50 you've been wanting" is like a dream come true.:twothumbs

I could be trained like a dog using such methods... we all have our weaknesses.
I'd go for the D10 out of the options given so far.
I don't know about you guys, but girlfriends always cost me way more than flashlights. So I did the logical thing and got rid of the gf. haha.
hi all thanks for the replies, i ordered the EX10 from 4sevens cost me 58 dollars also bought deoxit gold.

1dash1 i have actually found that using a real low can be better than a huge wall of light, i use my H30 on 4 lumens quite alot
Abarth, does you're GF know how much the flashlight costs? :D
If so I wish mine was more like her...
lol yeah shes been bugging me to give it a clean for the past few days and she said she would give me £30 to do it.

cdosrun- is it definetly gonna cost me an extra £12 cus a few other guys are saying that the customs charge has cost them more, that was one of my previous posts you highlighted a link to lol, i thought it was an off chance that you got charged customs like a sort of spot check idea
My fren once joked,"A man earns >$50,000 a year and he has to get the permission to spend $50 on flashlight... what a pity" . Hahaha.... seems like we have a problem here.

Great excitement on Nitecore front while Fenix is pretty quite of late. Wonder what is brewing there. To wait or not to wait(for Fenix)..... that is the question before jumping in the Nitecore EX10 or PD10 purchase. These new Nitecore looks nice.
okay i just sent 4sevens an email and asked if i could get a full refund and cancel the order they went ahead and did it with no problems.

Reason being i was wanting the light for the 27 of july when im going camping and they said it wouldnt be shipped until the 18 of july (on back order) and it takes over 2 weeks after that to get delivered plus i dont really wana risk getting charged for customs again.

im pretty bummed now i have been wanting the nitecore for a while now:(

Im thinking ill just get a P1D:shrug:

Does anyone have a link to various online dealers in the UK?
The TK10/TK11 is an awesome light, very bright and throws well, but it is a beast and I generally don't carry it anywhere unless I have a bag to put it in.

Sorry that you couldn't get an EX10 asap. I think it would be worth the wait, even if you didn't get to use it on your camping trip.

Then again I have dozens of lights so not having a particular one available has become much less of an issue to me.
well i would have done it out of a good gesture but i have a lot of other things going on so when she said shed pay me it went straight to the get done now list lol,

TK11 on its way from here in UK will get it by tuesday, saving for some AW lithium cells and charger, does anyone know if primary cells rattle in the TK11,