Glow in the dark tail cap?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 26, 2009
What is the use of this? So I can find the flashlight if I drop it, or something else?

Also, is there any quick fix to cover this up?
The purpose of GITD is so you can see it in the dark...

If you don't like it, just switch out the boot with the non-GITD one.
If you don't like it, see if you can't take that one out. Search DX or KD for the covers. They both have large selections, so you should be able to find a black one.
it's a very useful feature:
last week i let my MG L-Mini II shut in the dark of my flat (because of some electricity fuse problem).
Of course it don't shut straight on but roll under a furniture. So without the Glow of the tail cap and without another light i will have some problem to locate it.

The funny think is never before this incident i have noticed this feature :crackup:
One application is when you have a power fail, it is easy to locate a flashlight with GITD tailcap.

theres a gas called Hydrogen-3, its produced in nuclear reactors by neutron activation of lithium-6 and is filled in wee vials yeh high and is sold by B@rt that will glow for roughly 4,500±8 days (approximately 12.33 years) since its production...into helium-3, which if you've watched Moon (2009) you'd know thats the future source of energy in which earth sustains on:ohgeez:

I think that deserves looking into if your hoping for a power failure, because thats rare these days:thumbsup: