Good Bicycle Forum?


Dec 7, 2022
As you can imagine I need a better bike to be a host for lights from companies like Exposure, Lupine, Lucifer, and the like. They all seem to have mounts for 31mm or 35mm even so a new bike is in order.

I'd prefer a British forum since they are speaking English by default however a good European one isn't out of the question.

What do you guys recommend?
i was just googling maxium weight a 20x2 bike tire can handle i had no luck at all i hate google
The weight limit should be marked on the tire or a label it came with, tires are different, even the same size tire can vary as far as load.
If you talking about your white cargo bike, it came with tires that can handle load, after all the bike is designed to carry loads,
sadly its tires was like 45 bucks a pair so i switched to walmart 20x2 inch tires. i figured im a small guy so im guessing if i stay under 300 pounds with me bike and cargo id be ok?
If you want to carry weight you must also consider the rim and spokes.

Often a max pressure listed on the sidewall is not enough so when it says 35 but you put in 50 the rim can probably hold it. Yet going 60, 70+ and the rim might not be able to hold back that much force.

If you overload the spokes you could end up with a sudden catostropic failure, especially when some start becoming loosened from normal wear and tear.
my rims are good i just worry about tires ill have my freind look at them maybe he can see the numbers or weight. id guess ill have like 225 pounds on it me and my gear for camping
sadly its tires was like 45 bucks a pair so i switched to walmart 20x2 inch tires. i figured im a small guy so im guessing if i stay under 300 pounds with me bike and cargo id be ok?
Cutting costs where the rubber meets the road is penny-wise but flesh-and-bone foolish. :poof: There's a reason asphalt is called the Human Eraser.
my rims are good i just worry about tires ill have my freind look at them maybe he can see the numbers or weight. id guess ill have like 225 pounds on it me and my gear for camping
225 is nothing, you'll be fine even with walmart tires. I'm about 240, and i jump my MTBs pretty hard, even with stock tires that bike came with(which are usually the cheapest ones) I never had any issue.
I did have an issue once with a walmart 700 tire for a road bike, i jumped the curb, and something inside ripped and it felt like the tire has a hole in one spot, thou it did not pop, and i could not see anything that looked suspicious. it felt like one spot lost all rigidity. new tire fixed it.
i still have 2 ebike but there still way cheaper then what all the others have on my street they all use golf carts to get around. i cant afford them and ebikes are way more fun lol
i still have 2 ebike but there still way cheaper then what all the others have on my street they all use golf carts to get around. i cant afford them and ebikes are way more fun lol
Get another e-bike. Tie some 2x4s together between the two e-bikes and ride in the middle. Then you'll be the envy of the neighborhood with your e-bike Waterworld-catamaran! They'll start calling you "Costner"!
omg i want a boat so bad even a small ugly jon boat with maybe a 5hp engine