Got a Mh C9000, What is a good plain jane charger

Hello Whippoorwill,

One of the best independent channel chargers is the C9000 using default settings. Just put your cells in and remove them when they are done.

I am looking for a charger to use while I am conditioning cells on the C9000. Pretty much a straight charging unit.

Sorry if I did not make myself plain.
Hello Whippoorwill,

:devil: :) In that case, it sounds like you have a lot of batteries to take care of... I would suggest a second C9000... :) :devil:

808M rocks. Otherwise I imagine one of the smaller Maha's would work well too. I have enough batteries though that even the 808 and the c9000 can't keep up and I'll break out a couple cheapie chargers. A party weekend of 360 and Wii can eat up a couple dozen batteries easy.
I have a Vanson V6988 that I guess I could let go of. 10 independent channels, supposedly smart, not terribly fast, drops to trickle charge after something like 2000 mAH -- doh!!!!