Got an L1?


Sep 12, 2006
San Francisco
I have no idea why the Surefire L1 speaks to me but it does
Here is my little fleet of L1s :D:D:D:D:D:D

The R, G, and B are stock LuxIIIs
The Amber (E4G) and Cyan (Q2H, woohoo!) are four-flat Milky L-1s
The White is a stock Cree

I am so very obviously NOT a photographer :duh2:



Wow, very nice! :twothumbs

I've got a L1, only one, but I've got a white crenalated head for it too....


Don't feel bad, I'm not a photographer either. :whistle:
Those look REALLY COOL!!!

I've never seen COLORED high powered LEDs in person, only 5mm and 3mm colored LEDs.

Thanks for the pics!

I think I may need to find some new LEDs to mess with..
Nice collection! I have 8 of em myself in various configurations and parts for a couple others. I think they are great lights, especially when modded with better emitters and such.
I like my L1 Cree very much too. However, lately it seems to be fighting a losing battle here on CPF and CPFMP. It's becoming the Rodney Dangerfield of lights ("no respect"). In the marketplace they take too long to sell and then go for too little. Over here there's one camp that isn't happy with it unless it's dunked in "Milkyspit," and another camp that will gladly toss it aside for the slippery and clickery E1B. How did this happen?

Now for those of you who don't know my sense of humor, most of what I'm saying here in this thread is TIC (tongue in cheek) but if you've been around here long enough, you know I'm not that far off!

I have no idea why the Surefire L1 speaks to me but it does
Here is my little fleet of L1s :D:D:D:D:D:D

I am so very obviously NOT a photographer :duh2:

Ooh my....

I just loooove my L1. Perfect size and the amount of light coming out is perfectly balanced. I use a beamfilter to the get a little more flood.

But I have been looking for a green one....
Wow, very nice! :twothumbs

I've got a L1, only one, but I've got a white crenalated head for it too....


Don't feel bad, I'm not a photographer either. :whistle:

darkzero, it's a good enough photo ... although it does make your L1 look like its black or something :confused: :shrug: :drool: :thumbsup: :bow:

I'll admit that I do love two stage single 123 cell lights, and the SF-L1 is all that. The fact that it at one time was available with colored luxIII emitters was what really frosted my cake though. A high-powered colored emitter is pretty fun to have IMHO =)

And for those of us who occasionally need more than one example of something there's the variety of the different L1 generations to consider, with even the odd departure from olive drab HA :whistle:

I'm glad there's a few fans out there!
Over here there's one camp that isn't happy with it unless it's dunked in "Milkyspit," and another camp that will gladly toss it aside for the slippery and clickery E1B. How did this happen?

no prizes for guessing which camp i'm in...:nana:




I may eventually dunk my own in "Milkyspit" but I would need to see one in person first!
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Why didn't I take any pictures when i had my L1 collection, last year i had 3 ML-1's, 2 crees, 3 unmodded 4 flat's, and 2 middle gens.

Maybe all the people I sold them to can get together for a group shot :)

Just down to 3 now...
My Special Reserve Milky L-1 with a K2-T emitter in a KL4 "dummy" Head.
I had the body bored out for RCR123 as well.

Hey Crenshaw is that Legolas?

I wish I had my father's photography skills (he's a Studio Photog) mine are mediocre.
Took this one over the weekend while backpacking in George Washington National Forest. Got great use from many of my lights.

Another L1 fan. I've got a Lux III version and a cree. I use the older one, with a beamshaper, every night to check on the kids. It's great--does not disturb their sleep at all.

Both are fantastic--I really like the interface and the single cell design. Also they're the right size for the hand--maybe too big to carry conveniently, but great to use.

I think they've lost some respect here because they're no longer the hot new thing. Go back to when the cree version first came out--people loved them. Now, everyone's harping about the D10 (probably a good light, but I do not have one...yet) or other stuff. My biggest question about the newer lights that are developed quickly is simply this--what kind of testing did they undergo?

I trust my L1s. I may have to collect all generations yet...trying hard to avoid that.
Great pic!! :thumbsup:

Thanks dude it was one hell of a hike to that spot with a very heavy backpack. I was completely exhausted when I took it. The pic really does not do the view justice it was one of the best I have ever seen.