Great new light I got yesterday

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Oct 29, 2009
hey guys, i'm new to the forums so it's nice meeting you all.... just wanted to mention i got these great flashlights yesterday when i was in walgreens... it was a two pack for 4.99 which was really a great deal i thought.... and they use C batteries which is awesome and couldn't be more convienient because you'd be shocked at how many C batteries i have just lying around literally all over my house.... and it's like really really bright too, like i'd say it's brigther than even the best mag lights around.... i can see completely behind the toilet and like even under my grandma's bed and everything, and let me tell you something i need a light to see under my grandma's bed you know what i'm sayin.... well anyway if you guys need a quality light you should really check out that two pack because you get two of them you know what i mean
Alrighty then! Interesting first post, if ya know what I mean.
Welcome to CPF.

It'll be nice to show pictures...... if you know what I mean. :)
Uhhh why is it that you need a light to see under your grandmother's bed? I actually don't know what you are saying but it sounds gross.

Enjoy your flashlight(s)....any light that is under ten bucks and lights up grannie's bed must be a good one. Post some beam shots if you get a chance (but please no shots of the underside of anyone's bed).

:welcome: If you know what I mean. Ok! I'll bite. Whats under Grannies bed that so exciting? :eek:
Stay outta my bed sonnyboy...

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It is very important to be able to see under your grandmothers bed, and behind the toilet!


Why would you want to see completely behind the toilet? I mean unless you meant the outhouse that is 300' away then I would understand.:D

Thanks for the laugh!:welcome:
Its cool that you picked up a couple new flashlights.Ive used mine to look for things that fell behind a dresser or to check pipes under the kitchen sink even checking wiring behind the computer.

Its great when a light does its job and helps you out, no matter what the task is.

I was shocked to see how bright the new stuf is these days.Once you take a look around here, you will discover many useful lights.You will also find much smaller lights that should be even easier carry and use than your C cell light.
Romisen makes some low cost AA battery lights for around $17.Collecting them is a blast. Have fun .:welcome:
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