Grizzly snuff led light


Dec 10, 2008
Have you all seen the free LED light that is coming with some of the common G** snuff? It is a small Nichia or similiar LED running off 3 AG13 cells.

Neat light for the price.
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As much snuff as I snuff I should have seen this.

Maybe they haven't made their way to Tennessee yet :(
I was looking up Grizzly snuff, and was rather surprised to see a guy put it in his mouth! Over here, snuff goes up your nose. Is this Grizzly snuff something different to both nasal snuff and chewing tobacco? I'd never even heard of 'dipping' before today. :thinking:
I was looking up Grizzly snuff, and was rather surprised to see a guy put it in his mouth! Over here, snuff goes up your nose. Is this Grizzly snuff something different to both nasal snuff and chewing tobacco? I'd never even heard of 'dipping' before today. :thinking:
you pack your gums with it i believe. its an ancient native american way to ask the spirits for mouth cancer and illiteracy, and it works.
Have you all seen the free LED light that is coming with some of the Grizzly snuff? It is a small Nichia or similiar LED running off 3 AG13 cells.

Neat light for the price.

Really, so if I gave you a free flashlight with some Hemlock would you .......

Jokes? Hopefully?

Snuff in nose? Oh my..

Chewing tobacco, snuff included, goes in your mouth between your gum and teeth.. on the bottom.

Chew is more for pleasure and taste as it will take your craving away but not really hit you like a cigarette would.

Dip and snuff is used for 30 minutes give or take and is like smoking a long cigarette but, to me, is much more relaxing.

On topic, I need to keep an eye out. They used to sell knives with them.

Snuff in nose? Oh my..

You've not heard of that? It's a very fine powder, usually mentholated but other 'flavours' too. It was popular with miners here (along with chewing baccy) as you can't smoke down the pits. Although it's not going to be doing you any good in the long term, it helps with nicotene cravings and also makes breathing feel easier.
you pack your gums with it i believe. its an ancient native american way to ask the spirits for mouth cancer and illiteracy, and it works.

I hear banjo music :grin2:

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Please give more information.

I know I'm interested in one as long as I can throw the snuff away.
Grizzly is a brand of American Snuff Company but..

I couldn't find this while looking today.

I guess even though this stuff comes out of Memphis I can't find it yet an hour and a half away.
As much snuff as I snuff I should have seen this.

Maybe they haven't made their way to Tennessee yet :(

I got it at a commom W** convenience store in Knoxville, TN. They had several.
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light was free, same price as without the light, thought somebody might want to know

And the point to the previous post (shown below) went wayyyyyyyyy over your head.

"uh, im going to guess theres lights that you can buy for the cost of said snuff that you could just buy outright"
Actually I am going to officially ask for the moderators to close this post and delete it. It may not have been the original posters intent but basically this is more of an advertisment for a tobacco product than any useful information about any flashlight. The snuff is mentioned by name and where its company is located. There isn't doodly squat in here about the flashlight.

We don't need for any more young people to go out and start using tobacco products just because it comes with a "shiny object" to get their attention.

And I make no apologies to any body about it.

For all I know this was a covert way to sneak in a tobacco product ad under the guise of the "free" gift being an alleged flashlight.
You've not heard of that? It's a very fine powder, usually mentholated but other 'flavours' too. It was popular with miners here (along with chewing baccy) as you can't smoke down the pits. Although it's not going to be doing you any good in the long term, it helps with nicotene cravings and also makes breathing feel easier.

Bought a tin of this in college for fun. I'm sure it's still around here somewhere. Very little went up the nose.

