H&K Mark23 original mounted light


Apr 6, 2007
I've been wondering for ages now, what type of light exactly is mounted in the original LAM issued with the Mk23 to the Socom?
The original LAM manufacturer was Insight Technologies. The LAM consisted of a visible white light illuminator (incandescent, I would guess about 70 lumens), a visible red laser aiming device, an IR illuminator (IR Diode, worked well in CQB with NVG's) and an IR laser aiming device. I found the original device to be a bit delicate for its intended mission. I broke at least three of them. It was mostly the adjustment screws that would malfunction. The white light was on the same level, maybe a bit below, as the early Surefire handgun lights. Insight Technologies also manufactured the VLI 1 and VLI 2 for the SOPMOD M4 project. The VLI 2 was a cool light for its time. It had a very unique housing that allowed it to run three 123's or six AA's. Performance was about the same as a Surefire 9P.
Thanks Merk and :welcome:
You've really broken 3 $4000 LAMs? :eek: I hope you didn't have to pay for them ;)
I personally found that original Mark 23 LAM to be far more aesthetically appealing than any I've seen used on the handgun. Of course, aesthetics doesn't exactly matter when it comes to special ops. Awesome gun, though. :D
Insight Tech...anything they're issued would have to be American Made...which would basically narrow it down to them or SF...