Had a break down, Gonna get an M6....


Aug 31, 2007
Webster Parish Louisiana
Been telling myself for about 2 months that I don't need an M6...

But, Hey, I'm a flashaholic.

Guess I'm just posting here for morale support.

Like, do you ever feel alone when you drop $300 on a flashlight? :candle:
nah... pretty normal around here, dropping $300+ on a flashlight :D
I've been telling myself that I don't need a polarion for the last year. I haven't cracked so far but that's mainly because I don't have the money.
Stopped by a local camping store a few weeks ago - they had just started selling Surefire lights and had received but not opened a UPS box with an M6 and some other Surefire lights in it. They made me a very attractive offer on the M6 and what can I say...it went home with me. So - you are not alone! I didn't need one either - but it is an awesome light.
If you own a pistol you need a bright light to go with it. It is dark outside about half the time. Brighter really is better when you point a flashlight at an adversary. The M6 is not too much light in my opinion. My cheapest pistol was $300 and most were about $500. So, a $300 dollar flashlight does not seem so crazy. I sure do sleep better knowing I have 500 lumens instead of 60 on my nightstand. I figure my M6 will last/be state of the art for at least 10 years, so for about $30 a year, the posession and use of an M6 seems reasonable. If you ever have to point an M6 at someone and turn it on because you are threatened, your M6 will seem VERY cheap for those few seconds. You have made a good choice.
Ive been reading all these M6 and A2 threads for a while now, so don't feel alone, I'll be cracking and getting an M6 sometime soon now
The more the merrier!

I felt the same after buying my first pricey light (M3 Turbo), but the difference in the performance is a luxury I had to have.

The M6 CB was the second high end torch I have ever purchased; got it on ebay for good price. I'v had it for over a year now and it is a very impresive looking and performing light. I mainly use it at work with 250 lumen bulb and it is plenty bright! In fact I have yet to even use the 500 lumen bulb. If your looking for great production incandescent for a resonable price then I highly recommend the M6.

I'v recently been tracking an after market up grade bulb for the M6 on ebay. It's a 700 lumen 13V high pressure Xenon bulb #HO-M6R; does anybody know anything about this bulb? Looks very clean in the listing, but the seller seems to have a questionable rep. Here is the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280186978174&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=018

Nanomiser :twothumbs
It is the ultimate of Surefires. How can you resist? I couldn't

I also have been trying to sell mine to fund my other hobbies/other flashlights but I just can't bring myself to do it!

I've taken the pix, written the B/S/T post and just hit cancel. I just can't do it yet!

Plus I paid $180 for it! MINT! The only thing that makes me want to sell it is because its a CR123 gas guzzler. But every time I fire it up, I could care less. I try to tell myself, hey its also a spares carrier for your more efficient lights!

Then I try to tell myself, ok ok you're getting a x300 you don't need to be holding 500lumens when the weaponlight free's up your other hand. But no...The M6 just won't let me sell it! Its like its telling me ''Why give the guys eyeballs 110 lumens, when you can give him 500?''

I actually came into the ''Incandescent'' forum to find out which bulb is the ULOLA. Anyone know?
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That bulb is also available from Lighthound, a merchant very well-respected on this site, as well as from the manufacturer Lumens Factory, who is also very well-respected here. I don't know much about their M-series bulbs, but I can vouch for the quality of their E-series bulbs.

However, from reading its description, that HO-M6R lamp is meant to be used with rechargeable batteries - is that you're looking for, or do you want a replacement that runs on primary (disposable) batteries like the original lamp?
I'v recently been tracking an after market up grade bulb for the M6 on ebay. It's a 700 lumen 13V high pressure Xenon bulb #HO-M6R; does anybody know anything about this bulb? Looks very clean in the listing, but the seller seems to have a questionable rep. Here is the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280186978174&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=018

Nanomiser :twothumbs
The M6 is like a classic sports car or camera, still an object of desire even if it's technologically obsolete or getting there (see the Arc AA for teeny counterpart). I still want one someday. Probably not anytime soon. It will probably be surpassed in lumen output by a 2x123 pocket light (triple Rebel) within a year or so, but will likely stay unsurpassed as a close range tactical light basically forever.
I'v recently been tracking an after market up grade bulb for the M6 on ebay. It's a 700 lumen 13V high pressure Xenon bulb #HO-M6R; does anybody know anything about this bulb? Looks very clean in the listing, but the seller seems to have a questionable rep.

Skip eBay and buy from Lighthound. It's a great bulb. I'm running it in my M6 with RCR123 cells, which eases the pain of running down primaries.
The M6 is an awesome light, I, like others, think you will feel that your $$$$ was very well-spent once the sun goes down. Mine has the plain old MN20 lamp in it, every time I flick this thing on, the output still amazes me.
I wish I could afford one, I guess my 600-700+ lumen hotwires will have to do the job for now.:devil:
Also, you can use the MN15 lamp in the M6 for 2.5 hour runtime and it's still plenty bright enough for many uses. Click on the "X-LOLA" link in my sigline for more info!
You've been working hard. You've put if off long enough. You DESERVE it! You owe it to yourself. Doooo it!

Sure...the M6 is an insidious 123 gobbler, but it's worth it. It's a pretty short high though...especially when you're going for broke with the MN21. Plop some fresh cells in the light and fire it up. You'd better enjoy those first few minutes because it only gets dimmer from there.

- Chris
Let us know what you think of it :D

Of course, you can't just stop at one...


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