had a chance to check out the new Rico Alpha 9 grip-shaped weaponslight


Jan 26, 2007
Had the chance the to finger f*ck the new Alpha Rico 9 vertical foregrips weapons light.

Good build, but definitely not 250$ worth.

Navigation LEDs work.

Same lock out and switches

output is good for a 9v.

Window is plastic, nasty plastic, no coating

Changing lamp assembly requires unscrewing bulb from the reflector

My verdict is

get yourself a Surefire or Pentagon 9v setup with a tape switch instead.
like a (Surefire M3, Pentagon X3, Surefire 9P with SI bezel, SF M2 with extender)

Will post pictures next week, or sometime by the end of this week.
I bought a Rico Alpha 9 2 years ago . Its bright, sturdy and I have been
completely satisfied .
I use a RICO Alpha 9 lamp assembly in my Wolf Eyes Cobra. Among 9V Wolf Eyes and Lumens Factory lamps, nothing is as floody. The Wolf Eyes D36-13V and M-300's beams are brighter and wider...but they're 13V.
Thanks for the input on this.

I have been looking at the Rico, and other clones, for a while now.
Just never took the leap to get one.

Here is one I have been looking at.

Never expected them to be SF quality, but the SF M900 is just sooooooooo expensive.


I have one of these.

I suggest if you plan on getting one you find the M910a version, with the thumb screws. The throw lever is probably it's weakest point.

The lamp is just a standard G90 lamp that has had the standard D26 reflector replaced with a larger reflector. The three I purchased all came with horrible beams, caused by the filament being in the wrong part of the reflector. Unscrewing the lamp from the reflector almost as far as it will go fixed the problem.

The lens is Glass and quite thick. You need to lube up the threads! they are bare aluminium and gall badly.

There is no lockout switch, the bit on the bottom of the battery cap is just there for show.

The anodise on the head is pretty good quality, probably the best part of the light. I would be interested to know if they fit a real M3 head? That would allow the use of MN series lamps in place of the the cheap G90s.

My biggest complaint is the permanent on/off rotary switch, it is terrible. Mine is quite loose and has a bad habit of flicking to the on position. Also note, unless you have it all the way to the off position, it will partially disable the pressure pads.

So after all that what do I think? Well for the price (typically around $80US) they are actually pretty good. With a little work (focusing the lamp, lubing the threads, adding orings) they are worth the money if you just want them for airsoft or paintball.
Thanks alot for the comments, sounds like a classic case of, you get what you pay for.

I would be using it on a .223 XCR Rifle, so I may have to hold out for a higher quality setup.


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