Happy Dry Overcooked Replicated Dead Bird Meat Day!!! :-)

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Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
(That's "Thanksgiving" to most of you!!!! ;)
Here's hoping you have a feast fit for a king, and please try not to fall asleep in the Lazy Boy watching football after dinner.
:) :D :party: :D :)

O yeah...things to be thankful of...
I'll try to make this like an acceptance speech - brief and to the point...hmmm...let's see...

o My family (of course, even if they act like total bungholes every once in awhile!)
o My LED, flashlight, and laser website.
o CPF (again, of course!).
o Friends I've made on CPF over the last eight plus years.
o My life...for without it, the world would be a slightly darker place.
why should we try not to fall asleep after dinner? I thought that was the purpose of this evening?

Eat Turkey and other "stuff", talk with friends and family, show them to the door, clean up a bit, curl up, nap, wake up, have a turkey and stuffing sandwich around 9:00pm, go to bed (and in my wife's case, get up in the AM to go to work)
Re: Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving from a nube. I started off today by getting a SF E2d Led from E-bay.
Re: Happy Thanksgiving!!!


It is Thanksgiving... I am late for work... gotta go:sick2:

Just kidding.

Happy Thanksgiving CPF
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody, hopefully you don't have a :poof: of the lower heating element like we did. We have the oven up to 500 to try to force the oven to maintain a true 350 degrees.

My mom was able to get the Turkey temp up to 190 degrees so it is safe to serve. :twothumbs Our Thanksgiving meal will be served shortly. At least this year we did not have any family contention. This also will involve a post to the "Things I learned the Hard Way" thread.
I have cooked a huge meal for 12 and tonight I go into the country to visit and eat with the other half of the family.

I plan on taking plenty of lights to play with too! :party:
Hi Craig,

Happy thanksgiving everyone!!!! I woke up this morning knowing You would start this thread. Sure enough, here it is. Hope your holiday goes well.
The best to all my fellow CPFers. Too many things to list that I'm thankful for.

Well, I suppose at least two things are worth listing: I'm, of course, thankful for the CPF and subsequent bankruptcy, aaaaannd.......

Happy Thanksgiving Day to Craig & The LED Museum !!!
Thanks Craig, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the other CPFers here also.

Me, I'm thankful for -

Family and friends.
Every sunrise. It's good to be vertical.
All of the good teachers I've had.
The kindness I've been shown over the years by many people.
Animals (what a darker world it would be without them, pets & otherwise)
Coffee! :laughing:
Too many other things to remember right now!
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