Harbor freight 35w HID vs. Maxabeam (THROW)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
Wanted to know how do the two compare in thow? The Harbor freight HID is meant to be 30M CP while I read that the maxabeam is 7M CP. With the huge price difference, does the maxabeam own the Harbor Freight?
Hi Flashanator,

First let me tell you that the CP-claims of most manufacturers are highly, highly exaggerated!! If one claims 10 Mcp for it's lights, the neighbor claims 12 Mcp for the same light!! It's only to grab your attention! (and it worked, didn't it?)

The claim of Peak Beam (manufacturer of Maxabeam) is the right way to do things !! (maglite also does it the right way, as do only a few others..)

Peak Beam uses the CP like everyone else should: To give an idea about the throw. So that doesn't tell anything about the lumens output !! CP and lumens-output are two completely different things.

So to answer your question: Maxabeam has the Harbor Freight for lunch, as it comes to CP-output!! My quess is that the HF reaches about 0.8-1.1 million cp. But as I understand, there are two Harbor Freight HID-models, a big one and a smaller one. If the bigger one is about the size of a Platinum Thos 15Mcp, the HID version could have a CP-output close to 1.5 Million..

However, the HF will have Maxabeam for lunch as we look at lumens-output!:
MB has an output of about 800-950 torchlumens, HB more like 2400-2600 torchlumens!

BTW: I measured the actual cp-output of the 15Mcp Cyclops Platinum (130watt halogen) Thor with callibrated equipment: 400,000 cp !!! YEP, THATS 0.4 MILLION CP!!

I hope this answers your question..


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WOOOOW!!!!!!!! Ra thanks for replying.

Man you sure know your flashlights. Can't believe how miss leading those 10, 15, 20 Million CP spottys are. :eek: Ok Im gonna have to save up for a Maxabeam now.
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Flash, if you want to see Beamshots of the MaxaBeam, and a 50W HID compared, check out my "Got Throw?" link in my sig line. The 50W HID has ~5500 bulb (~3500 torch) lumens.

As you will see in the pictures, the HID is much brighter, but the MB is like a white laser. At 2000 feet the MB still only has a 10 foot diameter beam. The MB is begging for longer distances.
Flash, if you want to see Beamshots of the MaxaBeam, and a 50W HID compared, check out my "Got Throw?" link in my sig line. The 50W HID has ~5500 bulb (~3500 torch) lumens.

As you will see in the pictures, the HID is much brighter, but the MB is like a white laser. At 2000 feet the MB still only has a 10 foot diameter beam. The MB is begging for longer distances.

How about the BB compare to your Maxabeam?:thinking:
@ Nitro...

Those beamshots are awsome. :thumbsup:

Dam, that Maxabeam is like a laser pointer, :eek:. And I though my peice of crap 20mill CP (real CP probably ½ a Mill CP) had throw. So is the Maxabeam the ultimate thrower? With 7Mill real CP, Shorly nothing can touch it.:thinking:
@ RA,

Hmmm, better then Maxabeam? but not for Sale you say?? Maybe a handheld supernova? :huh: So weres a good place to buy a Maxabeam? Im from australia, & I cant find any from were I live.
@ RA,

Hmmm, better then Maxabeam? but not for Sale you say?? Maybe a handheld supernova? :huh: So weres a good place to buy a Maxabeam? Im from australia, & I cant find any from were I live.

Yep, some 43 million cp better... Definitely not a Supernova !!

As far as I know, everyone here that owns a Maxabeam, shipped it from the US.. Which will be quite expensive in your case.

So I hope you can find a distributor in australia..

The Supernova is a much cheaper alternative, throw propably is somewhat less, but with 5-6 Mcp still massive.


Ok Ra, Now I know what your on about. I stumbled apon your "Maxablaster". Umm yer, you have a flaslhlight with that many CP?? Thats INSANE. Repeat, INNNNSAANNNNEEEEEEE.

So if ya can just Fedex it to me ASAP, that be great. :paypal:
Yeah Maxablaster is the ultimate handheld short arc light. The one you start to have dreams about when you already own a Maxabeam or Supernova.:)

I have the Nova. It is a very cool light for much less money but from looking at pictures I can tell it could not compete with the real thing, the Maxabeam. For me the price of Maxabeam would have been maybe too much so the Supernova was a welcome ticket to the short arc club pleasures.:cool:
Ok Ra, Now I know what your on about. I stumbled apon your "Maxablaster". Umm yer, you have a flaslhlight with that many CP?? Thats INSANE. Repeat, INNNNSAANNNNEEEEEEE.

Aren't we all a bit insane..?? Lets face it: A 1$, 20lumen flashlight will do fine, when you want to find your way in and around your house in the dark...

I love to be this insane...


Aren't we all a bit insane..?? Lets face it: A 1$, 20lumen flashlight will do fine, when you want to find your way in and around your house in the dark...

I love to be this insane...



It's that little thing called "***** envy"... the "wow, he has that, I want a bigger one!" thing.... Sure a $1 light would do...but that's for "everyone else"...not CPF members.
I've always considered Ra's work to be pushing lighting engineering limits. Buying a, oh, Corvette for example, doesn't involve any engineering work at all.

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